The Gift of God's Faithfulness

The Gift of God's Faithfulness

Psalm 13:3 “Look on me and answer, O LORD my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death;”

[Thank you that we can cry to you in our desperation, O Lord, to you who are our God, and know that you will answer. Praise you that your Word gives light, that you are there at work whether we see the desired answer now or not.]

Psalm 13:4 “my enemy will say, ‘I have overcome him,’ and my foes will rejoice when I fall.”

[May this not happen, may we stand firm in your power with you as our shield and defender. I praise you, Lord, that you are our rock, our fortress, our high tower and can never to be defeated.]

Psalm 13:5 “But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.”

[Yes, I look away to you and see again the long history of your unfailing love as you, in faithfulness, answered, acted, protected, and guided Abraham, Joseph, David, Daniel, Jesus and Paul. So you will do with us.]

Psalm 13:6 I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me.”

[David here still did not have an answer, he was still in danger, but this is a declaration of his trust in God to answer and save, based on his past experience of God’s help.

We also can sing now in praise and thanksgiving to you, Lord, before you act in our troubles, knowing that you will come and work things out to rescue and save, for you have also helped us in the past. And we know that you will always act out of your character of solid consistency and faithfulness to your Word.

So it is in this certainty that we can sing in praise for the help you will bring. Help us to persistently praise you in every difficulty before we see any answers, that you may be glorified before the people and spiritual powers around us.