The Gift of God’s Flawless Word
Psalm 12:6 “And the words of the LORD are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times.”
[Praise you, Lord God, the King of Glory, the Creator of only good, for you are Truth itself; therefore, your words are flawless and pure as newly opened flowers, for you cannot lie. You have revealed your words to your prophets, had them write them down and preserved them through the ages, bringing them to us as a bright light in deep darkness.
With your words you protect us, guide, teach, correct, rebuke, comfort and encourage us. As you are flawless, so are your words. Therefore they are worthy of trust, of praise, and honor through obedience.
Lord, may we value your Word so that all of us may be people of Psalm 1. That is, avoiding walking in the counsel of the wicked, not standing in the way of sinners or sitting in the seat of the scornful.
Instead, may our delight be in the Law of the Lord and may we meditate on it day and night [only fully possible if we memorize it].
Then I pray that you will make us like a tree planted by the rivers of water, which bears its fruit in its season [we can bring forth the fruit of the Spirit as needed].
Its leaves will never wither [for our roots are down into the water of the Word],
And whatever he does will prosper.
This scenario is your desire, Lord, may it be true as we read your Word daily, memorize and meditate on it and obey what we know is right.
The choice is ours: