Psalm 146:7 “He upholds the cause of the oppressed…”
[You, Heavenly Father, with the resurrection of Jesus, went right to the core of the issue and provided the most important of our needs: an escape from the three foundational sources of oppression: Satan, sin and self. All other oppression we experience flows out of these.
Praise be to you, Lord Jesus, for paying the price of great, deep, profound, excruciating suffering to provide the only possible way out from this oppression. Praise you that daily you give grace, guidance and goodness to your children in the midst of every oppression so we can let go of what is temporary, hold on to what is eternal and rise above whatever difficulties come to us. .]
“and [He] gives food to the hungry.”
[You are the One who provides our daily bread. You give enough to live on and you give us the freedom to share this with others, the privilege of being the conduit to supply their needs. Help us not to. squander your supply or withhold from others the abundance you constantly give. We praise you that you are wonderfully generous and give freely, fully to all. May we do so, too.]
Help us to recognize the marvelous supply you give us every day in the unending stream of gifts, including wisdom, protection, help and guidance, which you pour into our lives. Help us to live in the light of your love today and to bring honor to you in all we do.