The Gift of Freedom
Psalm 146:7b “The LORD sets prisoners free….”
[Right from the beginning of our lives we are all imprisoned by sin in the web of Satan, where everyone is ensnared in his sticky strands of lies, fear and violence. Just being born into a broken and twisted world results in quirks and knots in our personalities that bring problems, difficulties and oppression.
Then our upbringing and family culture with fallen parents instill further dysfunctional thoughts, feelings and desires into us. And our culture’s worldview, with its unhealthy internalized values of materialism, selfishness and pride lock us into destructive feelings, desires and goals.
All these lead us to emotional pitfalls, to accepting false answers to the great human thirst for love and approval, for significance and security, for fulfillment and belonging. These wrong answers then produce fear: fear of man, fear of the future, fear of failure, fear of pain, loss and hurt. Satan uses all of these to oppress, control, and in the end, he wants to crush us like the car in the picture below, killing all he can.
But You, Lord Jesus, have made a way out of this prison of oppression, opening the door to the cell of hopelessness. You have called us to step out of the darkness of fear into the light of your Love, into the rich and warm relationship with you where our fears can be washed away in the river of your forgiveness and goodness, your grace and glory. You don’t want to crush us, but to transform us and make us new like the second car below.
Through your great work and sacrifice, you provided all we thirst for: in you we belong, in you we have competence, in you we have significance, security, acceptance and approval.
In you there is the certainty of your shepherding us through every dark valley of life into the wonder of your everlasting dwelling in Heaven. You have provided all that is needed for us to follow you in freedom: Your “divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life…” (2 Pet. 1:3).
You, Lord Jesus, are the great Deliverer, the mighty Shepherd, the everlasting King. Because of your goodness you are worthy of endless honor, praise and exaltation; you are worthy of all obedience, glory and thanksgiving.
I praise you for your constant, deep, compassionate and lovely presence in my life, guiding me every step of the way; convicting me of the next sin so I can be set free from it; drawing me on to greater surrender; protecting me from my own foolishness; guiding and empowering me to live more and more worthy of you.
So, I lift you up, praise your Name and exalt your Word above all things. Use me today to bring honor to your gracious and glorious Name by giving thanks in all things.