Praise be to you, O Lord, for “you are the Great God, the Great King above all gods….” Psalm 95:3
There is no one above you, Lord God, no one greater than you, no one more powerful than you. We see your greatness and power in creation: in your “hands are the depths of the earth and the mountain peaks belong to you” (all quotes are from Ps. 95:3-7). You are there in these places, so difficult to reach, so far from where people dwell; you shaped them, you own them. “The sea is yours, for you made it and your hands formed the dry land.” By your power and design they exist. You are the Great Creator, the Wonderful Owner of heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them.
To know about you, to see your works, to discern a bit of your complex and creative character, to see what you have imagined and made, to learn of you in your Word, and then to know you personally–the Breather of stars, the Spinner of the earth, the Bringer of dawn—this is a wonder beyond anything we could imagine!
We exalt you for your greatness, for your marvelous imagination, your love of beauty, your amazing provision (storing up for your creatures coal, oil and gas for energy, metals for molding, minerals for mining, and water for drinking).
You are a marvel, a wonder–and a mystery. Who would think that the Creator of all good would stoop to draw His enemies to His side and, at great personal cost, offer to cleanse, transform and adopt them.
How could it be possible that we awake each morning and find the Great King above all gods waiting for us to spend time with Him, delighting in us, ready to go with us through the day He has prepared for us, providing all we need to join Him in His great work?
What a privilege that we can say “…you are our God, and we are the people of your pasture, the flock under your care.” Therefore we “bow down in worship, we kneel before the Lord our Maker.”
Ah, Lord, you are truly the God beyond our wildest dreams. You are gloriously unimaginable, marvelously magnificent, grandly good and wholly here with us each day. With you there is meaning, with you there is order, with you there is security, with you there is hope. We praise you for your rich, sustaining grace, poured out each day on your undeserving creation.
Prayer: “May you be glorified in our lives today, Lord God, may we go through this day on our spiritual knees, ever bowed before you in our hearts so that our motives, attitudes, thoughts, words and actions will bring glory and honor to your worthy Name! Amen.” –from EDIFIED!
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