The Good of Suffering

The Good of Suffering

Today’s reading in EDIFIED! is a very appropriate reminder to us as Barbara goes through this dark valley.
“Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands are my delight.”
Psalm 119:143
I praise you this morning, Heavenly Father, for you are the Sovereign One, controlling all that goes on, all that comes to me. You hold back the tide of evil, allowing Satan only so much rope, and you use the fury of his attacks to advance your Kingdom.
Just yesterday I read of how many thousands in Haiti have come to faith after the great earthquakes of 2010. You used this tragedy to plow the hard and rebellious hearts of people, opening them to hearing Truth and surrendering to you.
Suffering is an unavoidable part of life in this sin-warped world; you are the One who allows what suffering comes to us, regulating it according to what we need to grow and give you glory, as well as what we can bear with your grace.
In the suffering that comes, you have reasons and purpose, you have goals, you have growth and privileges for us.
And we have the responsibility to flee to you, to turn to your Word, to take up and use your grace, to praise, to rest in you, to embrace what comes as opportunity to bring you glory.
I praise you, Lord Jesus, my good and great Shepherd:
• for your wisdom, which is far above our understanding;
• for your grace, which is more than enough;
• for your compassion, which provides all we need;
• for your love, which you pour out on us every moment.