The Joy of Jesus, a gift to us!

The Joy of Jesus, a gift to us!

“Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD;” Psalm 95:1


You, O LORD, are the great I AM: holy, utterly other, completely contained in yourself. You need no one, are dependent on no one, stand alone, fully self-sufficient.

You are the triune One, completed and complimented in each person of the Trinity. Within your triuneness all is perfectly shared: all love, all communion, all relationship, all balance, all plans, all honor, all glory.

You never lack anything. From eternity to eternity you have always had perfect peace within, with no sin, no conflict, no strife, no negativeness. Among the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is everlasting harmony, trust, goodness and joy.

And this is the joy you desire to share with all who believe, your former enemies. You came to them, making yourself known and offering to rescue them from the dominion of darkness, from slavery to sin, self and Satan.

And You offer us joy, sharing it with us, pouring it out upon us, filling us with it and completing us in it. “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete” (John 15:11).

This is not just joy, it is the eternal, infinite joy of Jesus! Let us embrace it, revel in it, rest in it, live and love  in it.  Knowing Jesus is truly enough for JOY!

May be art of 1 person, baby and Indian paintbrush