“The LORD is the strength of his people" Psa 28:8

“The LORD is the strength of his people" Psa 28:8

Thank you, Lord, for my restless legs last night, an opportunity to get up and work more. I praise you, Lord Jesus, that in all things we can be thankful, know that you are at work, and can give you honor through trust rather than complaining and grumbling, which lead only to discontent and despair.

Lord, as we face difficulties, uncertainty and illness,  I praise you for your goodness, for your kindness, for your wisdom. You are never stumped, never at a loss on how to proceed, never perplexed. Praise you for what you allow to make us grow, to bring us up short, to expose what is keeping us from really living.

Praise you, too, for all you will accomplish today in your plan. Give us wisdom, Lord Jesus, to discern what you are doing and to know how to join you. I am so prone to just go with the next task that comes to mind rather than seeking your face, and with you doing the next thing you have on your agenda.

Praise you, Lord Jesus, for the certainty of your answering these prayers, for the rock solid reliability of your perfect, eternal, mighty character. You will empower, lead us through, protect, guide, challenge and provide.

Psa 28:8  “The LORD is the strength of his people,” [We have no other strength to speak of: here for only a short time with a limited sphere of influence, unable to control even our basic lust for significance and security. But in you, Lord Jesus, we are given strength, filled with your Spirit, washed in grace, enlightened by your Word, protected by your power, used in your hand. Our eyes are on you, for otherwise we know not what to do.]

“a fortress of salvation for his anointed one.” [You, O Lord God, are our Fortress, the Protector, the Deliverer, the Savior of all who trust in you.  In you there is safety, security, protection and deliverance. These are found in no other; all else is temporary, incomplete, weak and futile. The choice is ever before us: Jesus or self, safety or danger, life or death, transformation or termination, good or evil, victory or failure.  In you is all good, Lord Jesus; all we need to do is surrender so you may work your goodness in and through us.

Psa 28:9  “Save your people and bless your inheritance;” [Praise you, Lord God, that we are your people: purchased, cherished, dearly loved, delighted in and doted on. Praise you that we are your inheritance: redeemed, treasured, protected and loved. Praise you that daily you save us, that daily you bless us, daily you prepare, provide and protect in love.]

“be their shepherd and carry them forever.” [And so you are, Lord Jesus, our Great and Wonderful Shepherd, leading, sheltering, feeding, watering, exposing and strengthening. You carry us through each day, arranging all, holding back the foe, preparing a feast in the presence of our enemies, leading us beside the still waters, providing patience, peace and purpose. And this you will continue doing forever with passion, power and persistence.

We can rest in you, rejoice in you, rise up each day in your power, wisdom and goodness. You are worthy of honor, Lord Jesus, of obedience, of worship, of praise and glory. Praise you that you will shepherd me through this day. I praise you now for what will happen, for what you will bring.  May I give you glory today, living in a way that is worthy of you.