The Lord of Light

The Lord of Light

Psalm 103:1-5 “Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name!”

We celebrate your resurrection, Lord Jesus, your triumph over evil, the breaking of the bonds of sin, the defeat of the dominion of darkness, the plundering of the prince of demons and the forces of destruction.  You, Lord Jesus, who are light itself, shone out of darkness, over darkness, through darkness, defeating it, destroying its power, its borders, its rule over the entrapped millions of miserable subjects.

You opened the door of the prison, framed it in light, set up a sign, and sent an invitation to each prisoner, a card of enlightenment: “The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.” (John 1:8). And you send it by the “messenger of light,” the Holy Spirit who “convicts the world of guilt because of sin, righteousness and judgment.” (John 16:8) Those who accept it get more light, leading them to the door and out into the freedom of the Eternal, Gracious King.

You, King Jesus, the mighty Ruler, the powerful administer of the Kingdom of light where blessings flow all the time. You are the One who is to be praised! Therefore, without reservation, with every part of my being I praise you, Lord God, for you are worthy of total submission, absolute surrender and whole-hearted service: you are totally good, totally holy, totally pure.

Every part of me rejoices in you, exults in you, exalts you, extols you: my mind, my will, my emotions, my spirit, my body, for You are worthy.  May you be honored and glorified in my life today, may your praises constantly spill from my heat, my thoughts, my tongue.