The purpose of our lives: Worshiping God!
You, Lord God, are majestic. Your statutes stand firm because you are mighty. You decreed and maintain the force of gravity, the speed of light, the boundaries of the sea, the law of impenetrability—all continue as long as you desire.
And all of this is done in your holiness, meaning that, along with being pure, you are totally independent of your creation. You are absolutely other than your creatures: we are limited, you are infinite; we are bound to time, you are beyond it; we are weak, you are immeasurably strong; we see so little, you know all; we are foolish, you are complete in wisdom; we are selfish, you are agape love itself.
Like Job, we can only bow before you and say, “You, Lord, are worthy, for you are wise, and have the right to do whatever you desire.”
You rule, teach, guide, control, you direct, decide, decree, you act and no one can oppose you. You, Lord Jesus, are the One to be obeyed, for you are perfect and unchanging, powerful and good, wise and all loving.