The way to true Happiness

The way to true Happiness

Everyone wants to be happy. Maybe each has a different definition of what makes them happy, but they all have a common factor: their happiness depends on their circumstances. When things go according to their plans and desires, they are happy. When  their desires are thwarted, their happiness evaporates like snow on a warm Spring day.

Joy, however, is different. It is free of circumstances, being wholly dependent on Jesus. Since He is unchanging, eternally the same, always good, always holy, no matter what comes, we can have joy. Joy is something He wants us to have, as He said in John 15:11, “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be full.” And what did He tell them? “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love….”

The way to joy is to abide in Jesus’ love for us by obeying what we know to be right. Then as we trust in our great, powerful, loving Shepherd, knowing He has a plan, and He has to power to bring it to pass, we find our joy in Him. 

There is an interesting corollary to this truth. As we abide in joy, our gratitude increases as we see the goodness of the Lord and see all He does for us. And gratitude is the source of happiness. But this kind of happiness is not dependent on circumstances, but on the joy Jesus shares with us! And this will never shift or change.

So, want to be happy? Truly happy? Find your joy in Jesus, cultivate your gratitude for Him and enjoy the side affect of heavenly happiness!

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