As Barbara and I pass through the valley of the shadow of her depression, we can rest in God, knowing that “…the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son” (Heb. 12:6). This present suffering has brought out wrong thinking and values from my wife’s past so they can be corrected. This is proof that you, Lord, love us by taking the time to discipline us for our good.
I praise you, Lord, for your loving work in us, on us and through us, pointing out sin, wrong thinking, negative attitudes and unbiblical beliefs that keep us from really living: “…we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and [really] live!” (Heb. 12:9).
Thank you for chastening us through difficulties so that we might share in your holiness. Thank you for correcting us, even though it may be painful, so that we might respond with faith, confession, surrender and obedience, thereby receiving the fruit of peace and righteousness (Heb. 12:9-11).
Praise you, Lord, for your care, your consistency, your chastening to bring patience and power, fullness and fruitfulness, maturation and more (James 1:2-4). Truly you are the perfect Father: wise, loving, good, firm, persistent and forgiving.
I praise you that you are wonderously full-orbed in ability, perfectly rounded in personality, flawlessly balanced in your characteristics and wholly complete in your holiness. In your rich wisdom, you leave out nothing good when working in our lives–all that is needed comes: pressure and pleasure, loss and love, defeat and delight, wrenching and rest.
I praise you for what you allow, for what you send, for what you bring. You are wise, you are good, you are loving, so we can trust you fully, praise you consistently, obey you whole-heartedly.
Today I want to praise you persistently, Lord, through rain and shine for your wonderful work in my life. May I glorify you by cooperating with you, joining you, obeying you all through this day.