“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” 1 John 3:1
Heavenly Father, I share John’s wonder at this astounding truth: that you, the Holy God, the Righteous One, the Just Judge, the Good Creator King, would want to take your enemies, meaning every human being–evil, depraved, ugly, stubborn, rebellious and destructive as we all by nature are—and, if they are willing, to transform them into new creatures and adopt them as your children!
What a turn-around: to bring your adversary into the palace and place him into your family, making him your heir!
Your astounding act of justification is the great gem of Truth in the New Testament—you, the Just Judge, by the propitiation of Christ’s shed blood, satisfied the law and bought for us, your enemies, complete forgiveness, restoration and eternal life–and a place in your plan. By your work, Lord Jesus, we stand justified before the court of Heaven.
Adoption, however, is another matter altogether. Justification is a forensic idea, meeting the demands of the law, coldly correct, handed down in court. In contrast, adoption is a family idea: warm, welcoming, accepting, being offered to a new position of privilege and grace. And this is what you offer!
picture: the destructive rebel becomes the forgiven and adopted child of God