“I love you, O LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”
Psalm 18:1,2
Thank you, O God, for the opportunity to praise you in and for whatever comes, to trust you to carry me through. I can do this because you are:
• The Lord God,
• Triune Ruler,
• Eternal King,
• Unchanging Sovereign,
• Undefeated Commander,
• Wise Judge,
• All-Powerful Leader,
• Mighty Shepherd,
• Merciful Savior,
• All-knowing Guide,
• Unshakable Rock,
• Safe and High Tower,
• Our Ever-present Salvation.
To you, O Great One, belongs praise and honor, glory and strength. To you belongs awe, amazement, reverence and surrender. To you belongs fear, denial of self and taking up of our cross daily. We can submit to you because:
• You know what is right,
• You know what is best,
• You know beyond the moment,
• You know all that will be.
• You are the One to be trusted,
• You are the One to be honored,
• You are the One to be obeyed.
As I look at today, it is wonderful to know that you are going to work all things out for good, leading me through the maze of events, the succeeding challenges and adventures and the battle against the evil one. In all I can rest in you, in your goodness, in your love and in your power.
Prayer: “Today may you be honored in my life, in my thoughts, in my motives, in my confession, in my transparency before you. May you be glorified by my trusting you, not myself. May you be honored in my praise, in my actions, in my relationships, in my eating, in my work.