“The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes.” Psalm 19:8b (continued)
In this world of darkness, confusion and conflict, your Word shines bright and clear, showing us the path, exposing Satan’s traps, guiding us in decisions, enlightening us about the future. You, who stand outside of time, know all this and share it with us in your Word.
“The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever.”
To know your Word is not enough. As we obey it out of love, reverence and respect for you, you lead us in doing things that will last forever. You are eternal and what you do is eternal; you bequeath us with the possibility of making decisions that have consequences forever, have significance for eternity. The resulting fear, reverence and awe of you lead us to make decisions according to Truth.
“The ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous.”
When all else is uncertain, your Word is sure, trustable and without fault. All you command is right and righteous. We desperately need the wisdom of your Word and the leadership of your Spirit so we can walk in the right way.
“They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb.”
The things of this world are attractive—the power-giving, comfort-offering, security-promising success and prosperity—but they quickly pass away. In contrast, your Word is forever. In it we can find the true and lasting security, significance, power and comfort every heart desires, for you are the source of all good, everlasting good.
Prayer: “Valuing your Word above all, may your name may be lifted on high today before all those we meet. Glorify yourself in our lives today as we live according to your Word! Amen.”