Psalm 29:4 “the voice of the LORD is majestic.”
[To stand under the darkened sky, to see the great shafts of lightening flash to the earth, to hear the powerful peals of thunder as they make the ground shake–this is to see a tiny piece of your majestic, overwhelming greatness, Lord. You are awesomely magnificent and incomprehensibly powerful.]
Psalm 29:5 “The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars; the LORD breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.”
[The power of a hurricane, the breath of your mouth, can smash the greatest cedar trees; you are unbelievably strong, Lord. We cannot begin to grasp the power of your Person, the might of your mind, the strength of your Spirit. A storm like this gives only a tiny inkling of your mighty hand’s ability.]
Psalm 29:6 “He makes Lebanon skip like a calf, Sirion like a young wild ox.”
[By your power you can shake a land with earthquakes, move mountains, shift and split the landscape. You are great, O God.]
Psalm 29:7,8 “The voice of the LORD strikes with flashes of lightning. The voice of the LORD shakes the desert; the LORD shakes the Desert of Kadesh.”
[Your power moves over the landscape, from the mountains of Lebanon to the great deserts, sweeping away all in your path.]
Psalm 29:9 “The voice of the LORD twists the oaks and strips the forests bare.”
[Where you have passed, all is carried away, the leaves are gone, the trees stand gaunt. You power is displayed, your might is manifest, our hearts are stirred, and we are filled with awe and fear, reminded of our smallness and your greatness.]
“And in his temple all cry, ‘Glory!’ “
[You, O Lord God, are Awesome, Overwhelming, Majestic, Powerful, Strong and Mighty. You are worthy of worship, worthy of glory, worthy of our surrender, awe and fear.
We confess our foolish pride, repent of our fruitless rebellion and bow before you, the Worthy and Mighty One. We submit ourselves to you, we rise up to serve you today in joyful obedience, joining you whole-heartedly in what you are doing in and around us. May you, the all-powerful One, be lifted up and exalted in our lives today!