Trusting God

Trusting God


Part 2 of opportunities to trust God and offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving.

So we flew to to our final destination after a delay, arriving late.  While waiting for our luggage, I tried to call the office to see who would pick us up. If they came right away, there was time to make our two interviews scheduled for that afternoon. However, all I got was the answering machine (turns out I was using the wrong number).

I began to get irritated; worry and anger were not far behind. As I went out and looked up and down the line of waiting cars, again the Spirit spoke, “Can you thank me for this one?” My reply this time was more reluctant. “All right, Lord, I will praise you.” My will engaged, but my emotions were elsewhere.

I walked down to the end of the line of cars, and just at that moment the gracious folks from the office pulled up. When we arrived at the office, we found that the interviews had been rescheduled for the next day, so, although we were late, we didn’t miss a thing. God had it all in hand! And I’m glad He had me in hand, coaching me on giving thanks when I didn’t feel like it.  Part 3 of  this story coming on Sunday.

May be an image of car, aircraft and text