Ultimate Belonging

Ultimate Belonging

“… and you have been given fullness in Christ,”   Colossians 2:10

Praise be to you this morning, Lord God, you who are the Creator of all, Preparer of each day, Provider of all that is necessary, Protector of all your children.

I praise you for giving us the three things every human being needs and longs for: belonging, worth and competence.

You, Lord, gave us a longing to belong. We see this desire lived out as people desperately cling to being part of a group: extended family, tribe, city, nation, fan of some team, hobby groups, clubs, gangs—no one wants to be left out!

In Ephesians 1:19,20, Paul wrote, “I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you….” You, Lord have given us the ultimate certainty of belonging—it is our hope (which biblically means something that is definite), for it is based on your action, your choosing us in Christ “before the creation of the world….In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will…” (Eph. 1:4,5).

You have called us to be part of your Family, your Kingdom, the Church universal, the church local. We are part of your plan, we are your ambassadors, brothers and sisters to Jesus, and your friends. What more belonging could we want?!!!

To be a child and friend of the Creator of the Universe, the Sustainer of all life, the Beginner and Ender of time, the One who is always with us, always for us, always protecting us, the Pure, Holy, Powerful, Wise, Loving and Eternal One—that is really belonging.

And we need to delight in, rejoice in, exalt in our belonging both now and for eternity.

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