Way Better!

Way Better!

“Teach me your way, O Lord; I will walk in your truth;”  Psalm 86:11

Praise be to you, Lord Jesus, that you came to earth on Christmas to be the Way, to teach us your way, to be the Truth, to reveal truth to us.

It is wonderful that, in you, we can now know truth, see what is right and wrong, be aware of what is hurtful before we act, of what is good before choosing.

“Unite my heart to fear your name…” (Ps. 86:11b). You are the only One who can heal and unite our hearts, making us single-minded, whole-hearted, completely committed to Truth.

You are the only One who is worthy of that commitment, for you are

the great God,

the obedient Son,

the willing Sacrifice,

the Healer of the broken creation,

and the Bridegroom who died for your bride.

You bind up our wounded hearts and masterfully,

tenderly unite them to yourself.

Prayer: “Praise you that you give us the ability to choose to walk in your way, Lord Jesus. Help me to deny self and sin and to walk in your way and words. I bow before you in worship, in surrender and commitment, agreeing to do your will, to walk in your Truth, for you, Lord Jesus, are worthy of obedience. Amen.”