From my worship journal and EDIFIED!
Praise be to you, Lord God, for you are wholly Holy. You are the Giver of Goodness, the King of kindness, the Lord of Love, the Leader of light, the Lover of life, the Creator of kings, the Shepherd of satisfaction, and the God of grace.
Praise you for revealing yourself in both your Word and in your world, giving all people opportunity to know you, to come to you, to enter your shelter, your Kingdom, your Family.
Praise you, too, that you show us more of your beautiful qualities as you continually take care of us. Every day of our lives you manifest your power in protection, your creativity in customized care, your love in the loveliness of creation, your generosity in giving, your goodness in grace.
You are also the God to be feared for your justice and holiness, a God to be obeyed for your wisdom and righteousness, a God to be loved for your goodness and grace, a God to be worshiped for your greatness and glory.
In you is more than we could ever imagine; in you is more than we can ever comprehend; in you there is more than enough to keep us learning for all eternity.
You are the God who is too good to be true, while being more than true. Glory be to you, honor be to you, obedience be to you, joy be to you this day in my motives, thoughts, words and actions.
Prayer: “Lord, keep me in awe of you, keep me worshiping you, praising you all day long. Keep my eyes open to the beauty around me that I may honor you all the time.