From Today’s worship journal entry.
Thank you, Lord, for your goodness to us, your care and protection, your kindness in every way. Thank you that you are carrying us along, helping us to accomplish many good things. Help us today to do what is right and best, Lord, to think truth, to make wise decisions in line with your Word and Spirit.
I praise you, Lord Jesus, for your great love, that as the Father has loved you, so you love us (John 15:9). You love us richly, deeply, consistently, whole-heartedly, unconditionally, warmly, joyously, delightedly, graciously, powerfully, fully, without regret, strongly, firmly, wisely and well.
Thank you, Lord God, that you are thoroughly good, graciously kind and powerfully wise. In you there is no negative, no evil, no wavering, no confusion, no failure, no mistakes. You are perfect, pure, patient and positive. You love obedience, self-control and endurance. You plan perfectly, you proceed consistently, you prod and provide so that we will grow and deepen, being filled with good works.
I praise you for being such a good and gracious God, that you love me, like me, enjoy me, that you give me worth and belonging and competence in your Kingdom (Eph. 1:18-19), that you have given me purpose, hope and a future.
Thank you that today’s race is laid out before me (Heb. 12:1), and you are ready to run it with me—you already have your sneakers on–ready to carry me through, encouraging and urging me on.
You are such a personal, warm, firm and good God. Help me today to live in such a way as to bring you joy, pleasure and honor. Amen.