What a God!

What a God!

I praise you, Lord Jesus, for your active work in our lives. I surrender to you my focus getting more done and instead thank you for what I don’t get done, for that which I must wait. I praise you for how you are watching over us in great and profound ways beyond our conception.
I praise you for your powerful patience, for your careful working as you woo and win many for your Kingdom. At the same time you allow the headstrong and unbelieving to reject your offer, to continue on in their rebellious, evil ways and thereby inflict pain, suffering and sadness on your heart. Praise be to you that you give every person many chances to believe, that your Spirit works with each one, giving them enough light to pursue–and will give them more if they do.
I praise you for your compassion released upon your creation through your giving justice its due on the cross. I praise you for your love setting fire to our hearts when we begin to grasp our own depravity and your great, costly forgiveness. I praise you for your graciousness in granting us all we need to live a godly life for you.
Praise you for being the Powerful Creator, the Lover of sinners, the Faithful Savior, the Redeemer of all, especially those who believe, the Wise Shepherd, the Righteous Judge, the Beginner and Ender of Time and the Lord of eternity. To you belongs glory, honor, power and praise.
I bow before you this morning, confessing my total unworthiness to be your son, while rejoicing in your qualifying me to be a partaker in the inheritance of the saints in the Kingdom of Light. I rise up to obey you in all I know to be true, submitting to your authority. May I lift your name on high today, bring you much glory and proclaim your greatness to all around.
Image may contain: tree, sky, plant, grass, outdoor and nature