From my worship journal, written in 2010
You, Lord, are the God of provision, flooding our lives with your gracious goodness, your constant kindness, your wide wisdom, your illuminating insight, and great grace.
Truly, our cup overflows; you have brought us into a spacious place; you have rescued us because you delight in us.
What rich goodness you have poured out on us:
–The great and glorious privilege of being your children, sons and daughters of the Most High King.
–The grace of knowing and living ever more intimately with you, the Gracious and Glorious God.
–The worldview-shifting truth that whatever comes into our lives is part of your plan to work good, to give opportunity for us to fulfill the purpose of our lives (giving you glory) and to give us significant parts in moving history to its conclusion.
–The powerful possibility to rewrite every hurt from your
point of view and to forgive the offender as you have forgiven us, thereby freeing ourselves from the cruel bonds of resentment.
–The wonder of your love lavished on us in undeserved richness, in marvelous breadth and height, length and depth.
–The joy of belonging, of having worth, of being competent in you.
–The security of knowing where we are going.
–The anticipated joy of spending eternity with you.
With these shining, beautiful and powerful truths, I can enter this day at your side, joining you in the adventure you have for me, the work you have for me to enter into in partnership with you.
There may be disappointments, hurts, troubles and difficulties, but each one is a fine tool you will use to shape me more into the image of Christ. And each one will be an opportunity to be weak in myself but strong in you, to praise, to rise on wings of eagles, to see things from on high and to give you glory.
What a life you’ve bequeathed, what joy you share, what a God you are! May you be glorified in my life today by the working of your Spirit and Word to bring me to quick, eager, loving obedience in each situation.