What a Privilege!

What a Privilege!

After yesterday’s very rainy start, today dawns clear and sunny. Thank you for a good start also in time spent with you, Lord.

I praise you for how you are guiding in me on the continual upward path, moving forward with you along the narrow way of discipleship where denying self and taking up our cross daily is a pleasure, because these have great and eternal purposes.

In doing these we join you in significant ways in your perfect plan to right wrong, eliminate evil and sweep many into your great Kingdom of Kindness.

I am thankful, Lord, that you moved me out of maintenance mode into mountain climbing mode. It is so wonderful to live with you, to move ahead with you in a life of purpose, meaning, power and hope.

We have the certainty of a future in eternity that causes all around us to pale in importance: what difference does it make that we don’t have the newest car or that our favorite sports team loses?

I praise you, Lord Jesus, for inviting me into this new day, another opportunity to enter into further adventures with you: time in your Word and worship, prayer to be offered, people to meet, encouragement to give, disappointments to embrace with the sacrifice of thanksgiving—and all the while knowing that in doing these, I’m joining you in what will count for eternity.

Praise you for your indwelling Spirit–earlier He only dwelt in Jerusalem, now He lives in each of your children! What a privilege. As the Apostle John wrote, “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1).

Lord help us to live today worthy of you, of your love and goodness, your grace and kindness. Use us, guide us and glorify yourself.