worship in wonder

worship in wonder

May we daily spend time with our Lord, our Bridegroom, nurturing our first love for Him, gazing upon His loveliness, focusing on His beauty rather than our busyness. Following is an example of focusing on Him.

“I will tell of all your wonders” (Ps. 9:1b). Great and many are your wonders, O Lord, beginning with your character.

–You are Love, Light and Life.

–In you there is Purity, Perfection, and Power.

–You are filled with Greatness, Grace and Goodness.

–You are Immortal, Invisible and Invincible.

–In you alone are Righteousness, Riches and upRightness.

–You are Mighty, Magnificent and Marvelous.

–You are Holiness, Justice and Mercy.

–You are God, Lord, and Sovereign.

–You are without beginning, without end and without time.

–You are a wonder, you are worthy, to be worshipped.

–You are the One and only God. Glory be to you both now and forever!


Prayer: “Lord, help me to seek your face every day, to bask in the beauty of your character, to fall more in love with you. Then help me to join you in what you have planned for the day, moving in your timing, your power and your wisdom. Amen.”


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