Lord Jesus, my God and Lord, my King and Master, my Savior and Shepherd, you have undeservedly set us, your illogically adopted children, in such a wide and wonderful place, in a positive position of light and love, of grace and goodness, of beauty and brightness, of care and color, like the scene below.
You have brought us into a place of belonging, where all depends on your faithfulness, your gracious heart and your ever-flowing spring of love that waters all relationships, washing away the stains of selfishness and shame of failure.
From your deep forgiveness-filled eyes, from your pure, grace-giving lips, from your powerful, health-bestowing hands, flow the messages of acceptance, cleansing, delight and favor. In your presence we, who deserve only eternal banishment from your presence, are dearly loved, deeply cared for, doted on and delighted in.
This is not because of anything we are or have done, but because of all you are, Lord Jesus: the King of Grace, the Lord of Love, the Savior of sinners and Ruler of Restoration. In you all is made right, all harm is transformed, all wrong will be righted in the end.
Your eyes are both fiery and forgiving; your heart both loving and giving. Yours acts of righteous grace cause mercy to triumph over justice; your thoughts are incredible, returning only good for the evil we have done.
You are consistently, faithfully at work, turning the kingdom of this world right side up, starting within us. You have rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of Light, and now you are teaching us to see things as you do: to rejoice in persecution; to offer thanks in difficulty; to understand that in mercy you chasten all those you love.
With you there is hope, meaning and purpose, a future with the certainty of an eternity in joy. Praise you for the foretaste we can have now in your Word as we gaze upon your grace and beauty, and are consistently transformed more and more into your image by the Spirit of power (2 Cor. 3:18).
You, Lord Jesus, are truly worthy of worship, glory and honor, both now and forever more. May we honor you all through this day with obedience to what we know to be true.