Written years ago.
Praise you, Lord Jesus, for qualifying us to enter your Kingdom, for adopting us into your family. Thank you for giving us purpose, meaning, hope and a sure future, along with joy, peace and power to live a godly life.
But thank you most of all for giving us a rich, real and righteous relationship with you. Thank you for loving us unconditionally, wholeheartedly, joyfully, enthusiastically, eternally.
In this wonderful relationship with you, you give us all we need:
and grace.
I am thankful for these, but they are not to be the focus: You are.
Therefore, I worship you as the Lord of love, the Giver of good and the God of grace–the God who will carry me through my present trials.
You will bring me out into a wide and pleasant place, either through healing, through grace to endure, or through death. I praise you now for whatever you will do. To you be glory and honor in all my life today. Amen.
Epilogue: At that time I did recover from my sicknesses following a tick bite.