You Are The Measure Of All Good

You Are The Measure Of All Good

Praise you, Lord: my Triune, Eternal, Holy and Personal God. You are utterly other, entirely independent, simply sinless, incomprehensibly complex.

You created me, chose me, cleansed me, claimed me as your child, commissioned me to special service, and I stand before you dearly loved, delighted in, deeply cared for, doted on and dependent on you.

What a wonder–for what I actually deserve is condemnation, punishment, eternal separation, failure, suffering and hell.  In spite of this, your great and marvelous grace–ever flowing, never ending, always giving–pours continually into our lives, bringing undeserved forgiveness, cleansing, transformation, strengthening, guidance, goodness, power and wisdom.

To live in the light of your presence, to walk in the paths of your righteousness, to bask in the radiance of your love, to see by the brilliance of your Word—these are the privileges of the children of God. We praise you for them.

We are saved by grace, sanctified by grace, strengthened by grace, sealed by grace.  In you, Lord Jesus, we are safe, for you are the Most High, you are the Almighty, undefeated and undefeatable.

You are Elohim, the Triune One who is immeasurably powerful and unbendingly faithful to your character, your Word and your ways.  Nothing can stop you, nothing can change you, no one can hamper you, no one can prevent you.  Your plans will come to pass.  You can use any failure of man, any evil of man, any attack of Satan, and transform them into an advance for your Kingdom.

Your wisdom, your purity, your power, your goodness and your greatness are beyond our comprehension both in quality and scope: you can do more than we can ask or imagine; your glorious riches are immeasurable; your purity continues forever.

You are the Measure of all good; you are the Means of all righteousness; you are the Mighty Ruler of everything.  To you belongs all glory and honor and worship.

To you we must bow, to you we must surrender, to you we must give praise, for you are worthy of all glory, both now and forever more.

I lay down my superficial strength and take up your supernatural strength; I lay down my worthless wisdom and take up your wonderous wisdom; I lay down my pitiful patience and take up your  powerful patience; I lay down my puny plans and take up your  perfect plans.

May you, Lord Jesus, be glorified in my life both today and forever!