In the night I woke up with a pain (I will spare you the gruesome details). I tried everything I could think of, but nothing worked. So I knew I had to go to the emergency room, but waited a bit to see if the problem resolved itself as it has done in the past. Nothing.
A great chance to thank God, to trust his plan instead of dreading the ER visit. It being 330 am I knew it was a great time to go and zoomed right down.I meditated on Psalm 34, “I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth,” a verse I shared yesterday which God used to prepare me. Barbara chose to stay at home, which was good. There was no line and I was taken in 15 seconds after registering!
They went right to work on me,, relieving the symptoms, but the cause had yet to be addressed. Things improved during the day, but they are keeping me overnight to make sure it is really resolved. If not, tomorrow morning they will do an outpatient minimally invasive surgery.
The staff has been great, there are chances to share nuggets of truth (and a few puns, too). There was uninterrupted time to work on three more entries for the Canterbury Characters book, and also for some naps.
God has a plan, He knows what He’s doing, and in the overall scheme of things, this is nothing. compared to what others are suffering tonight (compare down, not up).
So up go praises honoring God, down goes my stress and it’s time for a good night’s hospital sleep.