

You are sparkling in your purity, Lord Jesus, generous in your grace, marvelous in your majesty, great in your goodness, overwhelming in your wisdom and dazzling in your greatness.

To delight in you is to enter into a fuller reality, to let the shadows of our natural thoughts and values fade into the background, as the light of Truth and Love from your inner beauty shines into our hearts.

Such gazing on your beauty brings transformation and joy, a deeper grasp of your acceptance and forgiveness of us, and a solid sense of the security of being your child.

You are delightful, you are delectable, you are decidedly wonderful and as I bow before you, all else pales and falls away. Only your gracious, glorious and good presence remains.

To know you is so inexpressibly sweet and so overwhelmingly powerful at the same time.

I choose to delight in you, Lord Jesus, rejecting the tinsel of this world, along with my pride and self-centered sinfulness. For In you I am forgiven, in you I am cleansed, in you I am accepted, in you I am unconditionally and eternally loved. What more could I want? May you be delighted in every moment.

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