The outcome of our being expelled from the country.

In the next few days our plans changed often, for we did not know where to go from here. Again the Word gave wisdom; Psalm 86 says “In the day of my trouble I will call upon you for you will answer me.” The Lord knew this exit was coming and had prepared the way.


First He had sent a single German woman, Renate, to work with us, so while we are gone, she could stay with the little local boy living with us. Second, a couple who is exploring the possibility of working with us will stay in our apartment and help Renate. Third, a new couple on our team is willing to watch the two little local girls living with us. God has it in hand.


We were able to pack up, knowing that He would bring us back or send us elsewhere, whichever was better. We had no way to know which would happen. To hold what we value with an open hand means that the Lord can truly be our God and choose what He deems best, while we can rest in His wisdom and goodness. God always goes before, prepares, protects and guides. Our part is to trust and praise.


“Lord, help me to hold all that you’ve given me with an open hand, trusting you to give and take as you deem best. May my primary affection be for you, not for what you’ve given. Amen.”

As we prepared for our “expulsion journey,” I was worried about the dangerous, three day, arduous drive from our Middle Eastern country to Germany—we had come that way before and knew how difficult it was—and I had to constantly give it over to God.


While struggling with the situation, Psalm 121 came up in my daily reading. The last verse promises, “the LORD will watch over your going out and coming in, both now and forevermore.” He has declared that He will guide us through all circumstances, and this is exactly what I needed to hear at this point.

Looking back on it now, the whole trip was one long demonstration of God’s faithfulness. More about the trip and God’s faithfulness on Tuesday.

Picture of us 1n 1980

May be an image of 3 people, child and people smiling