Safely on the way home

Safely on the way home

“My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip—He who watches over you will not slumber;”

Psalm 121:2,3

As we prepared for our “expulsion journey,” I was worried about the dangerous, three day, arduous drive from our Middle Eastern country to Germany—we had come that way before and knew how difficult it was—and I had to constantly give it over to God.

While struggling with the situation, Psalm 121 came up in my daily reading. The last verse promises, “the LORD will watch over your going out and coming in, both now and forevermore.” He has declared that He will guide us through all circumstances, and this is exactly what I needed to hear at this point.

Looking back on it now, the whole trip was one long demonstration of God’s faithfulness. Most of the road we traveled to Germany was just one lane each way and, being the main route between Europe and the Middle East, was crowded with large trucks. It was a constant game of “catch up and pass:” coming up behind a long line of trucks, then finding opportunity to pass them, often one at a time. Along the sides of the road were wrecks of cars and trucks whose drivers had miscalculated in their attempts to pass, a reminder to be careful.

Since many of the truckers stopped for the night, we decided to continue driving right through until the next day, and made it to Munich by the morning. There we went by the Word of Life castle where Barbara had worked years before and found a reunion of students from her Bible school going on! What a wonderful God sighting, a pleasant gift from the Lord!

Our time in Germany helped us to see more clearly the strain that we are constantly under in our country of work: having to be careful in what we say, write and do, while having so little fellowship. It is a gift to be again with more believers who share our vision. And it confirmed that God was watching over our going out and coming in. His Word is true, His character is pure, His protection is sure. “The LORD will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life…” (Ps. 121:7). We will trust Him for the return trip also.


Prayer: “Praise you, Heavenly Father, for your faithful, constant love. Forgive me for often forgetting your unseen protection. Help me to walk in the certainty that you are my great and powerful Shepherd, protecting, providing and proceeding before us through the day. Thank you for what you will do today. Amen.”

Picture our faithful old car on the trip back to the Middle East

May be an image of 2 people and car