

“surely I have a delightful inheritance.”

[Out of your glorious treasures you have prepared a rich inheritance for your undeserving children. As it says in Ephesians 1:3, you have blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus—every possible spiritual blessing will be ours. As you are infinite and all-powerful, Lord, so these blessings will be unending, uncountable, incomprehensible.

These will include a sinless life, total security and significance, sweet fellowship with all, ever increasing joy, and living in the light of your presence. In addition, you have made us fellow heirs with Jesus, meaning that whatever He inherits, we will get also!

This will include an infinite future, an unending walk with you, an unlimited growth in knowledge of your character, having fulfilling, positive challenges of service for you, and rich, uninterrupted fellowship with all other beings in Heaven. It will include living in your glory: “When Christ, who is our life, appears, then we also will appear with him in glory” (Col 3:4).

It will include mostly and most importantly, the ability to gaze uninterruptedly on your face, Lord Jesus, being in the full presence of our Bridegroom, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Ruler of all, the Holy, Pure, Powerful, Wise and Good God of all. That will be far more wonderful than we can imagine!]

Lord, help me to walk in the knowledge of the riches of your goodness and all the pleasantness you have for stored up for us. Help me to see where I let the small (very small!) things in life take my focus off of you, to steal my joy, to trap me in the dust and dirt of a natural worldview.

Help me instead to let go of the temporary, to hold on to what is eternal and to rise above the everyday hassles in the shining knowledge of you and who you are. May I think truth, keep on the armor and be able to stand no matter what comes, thereby bringing more honor and glory to you.


May be an image of tree, grass, sky and nature