Meditations on the Psalms

Meditations on the Psalms

Psalm 16:8-11

< Read earlier entry on Psalm 16

Psa 16:8  “I have set the LORD always before me.” [To my shame, I cannot say that I do this always, but certainly want to put You first, to acclaim you in every aspect of my life, to have my heart open to your guidance at each juncture, to do follow your leading.  Help me to do that consistently, Lord Jesus.]

“Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” [In contrast to me, you, Heavenly Father, are  always consistent, always faithful, always there.  Since you never leave me, you are always available when I need you and you will always provide what is necessary in protection, guidance, wisdom and provision.  So there is no reason for me to be shaken.  In every instance you give beyond what I need and I can praise you in it.]

Psa 16:9  “Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;” [You are the reason I can be glad and praise, for you are mightily faithful, powerfully providing, strongly consistent, lovingly good, totally wise, graciously giving.  There is no lack for those who follow you.  It is in you, in your character that all comes together, that all is provided, that all stability rests. It is so right to rejoice in you!]
“my body also will rest secure,” Psa 16:10  “because you will not abandon me to the grave,” [I live in the land of the dying but in your love, power and provision, I will move to the land of the living, going through the doorway of death into the light of eternity. And there you will give me a new body, uncorrupted, undying, unending. The certainty of this has already been established and demonstrated in the resurrection of Christ.]
“nor will you let your Holy One see decay.” [Jesus died, but did not stay dead, his body did not deteriorate, but was brought back to life and transformed into the new and eternal form our bodies will have.  You, Lord God, have provided the ultimate redemption, transformation, and salvation in which we can rest secure. And within these you have given us three wonders for life right now:]

First, Psa 16:11  “You have made known to me the path of life;” [In your love and grace, your compassion and forgiveness your Spirit has opened my eyes to the way to life, and now I walk on that path, “of the righteous” which “is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever more brightly til the full light of day.” (Prov 4:18) You pour out on us a continual stream of blessings as we walk with you in your way: your presence, your perspective, your power, your guidance. Every day we can learn more of you, every day you bring further transformation, every day we can experience your care, your wisdom, your goodness.  And every day we can give you glory and honor by responding to every situation with praise. You are the God of righteousness, goodness and glory. To know you is wonderful!]
Second, “you will fill me with joy in your presence,” [The more we know you, the deeper our joy goes, overflowing, energizing, transforming and motivating. The certainty of your presence is the well-spring of joy in our lives.  We praise you for it!]
Third, “with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” [The certainty of spending eternity with you, at your right hand, enjoying the pleasure of your presence, the wonders of your being, the marvels of your new heaven and earth, this is beyond comprehension–and to know that this will come to pass is a further aspect to our present joy.

Truly, Lord Jesus, to know you is enough for joy, a joy that will be ever increasing until death and then exploding into all the dimensions in which you now live, expanding throughout eternity as we learn more and more of your marvelous, infinite character.  To you be glory and honor now. May I reflect back to you the joy you are giving me.  May we walk together in this day, shedding the light of your joy on all I meet.]

Psalm 16:6,7

<Read earlier entry on Psalm 16

Psa 16:6  “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;” [Where you have placed us, Lord, is more than pleasant, it is amazing: we are within the Kingdom of Light, under the Lordship of the Great Shepherd, within the Family of God, on the narrow way to Heaven, in the company of the saints, equipped and assigned to a specific area of service to you, my beloved King. This is a wonder, a joy, a pleasure, an ever increasing realization of the undeserved, unearned privilege of walking on the pathway of the Creator of all, the Ruler of all, the Restorer of all.  In my opinion, “pleasant” is far too mild a word for this state of ever-growing joy!]

“surely I have a delightful inheritance.” [Out of your glorious riches you have prepared a rich inheritance for your undeserving children. You have blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Eph 1:3)—every possible spiritual blessing will be ours; as you are infinite and all-powerful, Lord, so these blessings will be unending, uncountable, unquenchable. These will include a sinless life, total security and significance, sweet fellowship with all, ever increasing joy, and living in the light of your presence.

In addition, you have made us fellow-heirs with Jesus, meaning that whatever He inherits, we will get also! As we suffer with Him here, we will participate in His inheritance there. This will include an infinite future, an unending walk with you, an unlimited growth in knowledge of your being, fulfilling, positive challenges of service for you, and rich, uninterrupted fellowship with all other beings in Heaven. It will include living in your glory: “When Christ, who is our life, appears, then we also will appear with him in glory.” (Col 3:4)  It will include mostly and most importantly the ability to gaze uninterruptedly on your face, being in the full presence of the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Ruler of all, the Holy, Pure, Powerful, Wise and Good God of all.  That will be far more wonderful than we can imagine!]

Psa 16:7  “I will praise the LORD,” [Yes, I will whole-heartedly, with every part of my being, praise such a wonderful Lord who is worthy beyond all measure all the worship I can give!]

“who counsels me;” [You are the God who reaches into my life moment by moment, you speak to me through your Word, through your Spirit, through counsel, through realizations and understanding of circumstances.  I can turn to you for wisdom and know for sure that you will give it. I am ever with you, you ever helping, protecting and  guiding me.]
“even at night my heart instructs me.” [As I wait for sleep and meditate on your Word, you teach me new things, reinforce old truths, reveal insights, bring transformation. Even in my dreams  (not knowing they are dreams) you speak to me as Scripture comes to mind. Sometimes, without realizing I am in a dream, I face life-threatening circumstances and can respond with praise and trust, hearing the leading of your Spirit.]

Praise you, Lord,  that as I go into this day, it is certain that you will be there, keeping me within the pleasant boundries, blessing me with your presence, giving me new vision to understand what is good and what is not.  I praise you for your great goodness, your abundant love, your ever-flowing grace, your endless kindness. To you l lift my voice of praise, to you I give my life anew. Glorify yourself today in all that will come, that those around may see your greatness and bow before you, too.

Read next entry on Psalm 16 >

Psalm 16:1,2

Psalm 16

“Keep me safe, O God,” [You can  do this so easily, Lord Jesus, my Good Shepherd, for you are incredibly powerful, deeply wise, completely all-knowing, totally all-seeing, passionately loving and whole-heartedly compassionate.  I can cry out to you, know that you will hear, know that you will answer in the best way. Praise be to you.]

“for in you I take refuge.” [This is my part, coming to you, meditating on Scripture, thinking Truth, trusting, praising before any answer comes.  Prayer without trust and obedience does not “work.”  As always, it is a partnership between you, Lord, and your children.  I praise you for how you call us to join you in what you will do, making us responsible.]

Psa 16:2  “I said to the LORD, ‘You are my Lord;’” [This is a statement of surrender—you are my Adonai, my Authority, the One I obey, the One who has the right to demand absolute obedience while promising absolute provision.  What you command I must do and will do.]

“apart from you I have no good thing.” [This is a full focus on Truth—only you are truly Good; all else that I have is chaff, temporary, worthless in the long run.  This is an echo of Asaph’s declaration, “Whom have I in heaven but you?  And earth has nothing I desire besides you!” (Psalm 73.)  To live this Truth is freeing, is powerful, is focusing: “apart from YOU I have no good thing!”  All else must be viewed in relation to you, each one being elements for stewardship, tools, means of obeying and glorifying you.  It is in you that all comes together.

Praise be to you, Lord God, Heavenly Father, King Jesus, Holy Spirit, for you are the reason for existence, the focal point of life, the eternal and infinite God. I bow down before you, praise you, love you, glory in you, honor you, exalt your name and your Word, rejoice in you, revel in you, obey you for your honor.  May you be exalted in my life today.

More on Psalm 16 >

Thoughts on Psalm 15

Psalm 15

“LORD, who may dwell in your sanctuary?
Who may live on your holy hill?” [Praise be to you, Lord God, the High and Holy One, for you invite us to your sanctuary, to live with you on your holy hill. This is another wonderful demonstration of your great love, grace and goodness, your pure and positive character at work in the midst of a sinful, twisted and destructive world. Each of the following conditions for living in close relationship with you are unreachable for us; our sinful flesh prevents this, even when our spirit is willing.  But you, Lord God, in your rich, powerful, active agape love have, through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus, provided these qualities for all who believe. You have imputed them to us and have made us qualified to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the Kingdom of light! This is against all logic, all normal justice, human reasoning and heavenly expectations of angels.  This is marvelous. It is your loving, lovely, lustrous character at work in mysterious and wonderful ways, moving us from hopelessness to certainty of grace.  I praise you for this great and transforming truth of your total commitment to save all who are willing. The following qualities are therefore a description of the Lord Jesus.]

Psa 15:2  “He whose walk is blameless”  [I praise you, Lord Jesus, that in you there is no sin, no evil, no slipping into error, no darkness, no injustice or rebellion; you are without blame, without accusation, without sin. Praise you for your perfection, your purity, your pristineness, that you are the paragon of all virtues. You are worthy of worship and glory.”]

“and who does what is righteous,” [All you do is righteous, Lord Jesus, there is no error in your ways, no wrong, no fault, no blame.  So you are absolutely trustable, believable, faithful and good.]

“who speaks the truth from his heart” [You are Truth itself and therefore speak only Truth from the center of your being.  All you say is true, right, correct, trustable and good.]

Psa 15:3  “and has no slander on his tongue,” [When you accuse, it is correct, it is spoken to the right person with the right motive. There is no malice, selfishness, evil motive or wrong desire when you speak. Instead you speak to convict, heal, lead, giving light, love and healing.]

“who does his neighbor no wrong” [You only do what is right, pure, helpful, good and positive.  To live with you is the exist in the light of goodness, purity and positiveness.]

“and casts no slur on his fellowman,” [You do not accuse unjustly, or speak to put people in a bad light, or speak what is untrue about a person.  As you live in the light, so you shine the light on what is true.]

Psa 15:4  “who despises a vile man” [You see all in the light, nothing is hidden from you, so you know what is sin and rightly reject it.  In righteousness you despise what is unrighteous.]

“but honors those who fear the LORD,” [You honor what is right and good, and are able to discern what really motivates a man: fear of people or fear of God.  And you give glory and honor to those who walk in your ways because they love you.]

“who keeps his oath even when it hurts,” [You are the One who always keeps your Word—you kept your Word to provide a Savior who could only redeem through intense, infinite suffering, and you, Lord Jesus, followed through by doing all that was necessary. Praise you for your faithfulness.]

Psa 15:5  “who lends his money without usury”[You are generous and good, pouring out your riches on us without thought of profit.]

“and does not accept a bribe against the innocent.” [You are absolutely just, know what is true and do only what is right.  A bribe has no influence on you to change your mind, but influences you to respond in justice.  Praise be to you for your goodness and purity.  Praise be to you, period.]

He who does these things
will never be shaken.” [Seeing these qualities in you gives me the desire to live that way, to be that way too,  to live in the light of your lovliness.  Heavenly Father, help me to be an imitator of Jesus by the power of the Spirit. Transform me more everyday that I may live for you.]

Praying Psalm 86:5, 15

“For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, and abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You….You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious, long suffering and abundant in mercy and truth.”

Work in us that we may be like you, Lord God:

“good” (may we spot and reject our sinful tendencies);

“ready to forgive” (may we be as forgiving as you have been towards us);

“full of mercy” (may we be kind and positive to all around us).

“full of compassion” (may we thinking good of each other, seeking each other’s best, truly caring for each other);

“gracious” (may we be giving and giving again, helping, thinking of how to support each     other, blessing and valuing each other);

“long suffering, slow to anger” (may we set our hearts on things above, not on the passing things of earth, giving up our little, personal, petty goals, letting go of what is temporal, holding on to what is eternal);

“plenteous in mercy and truth” (may we have that balance of speaking truth with great mercy, keeping these in wonderful balance, in good intent, good method, good words, good attitudes).

May you be glorified in our lives today as we live this way in your grace and power. Amen

The Foundation of Life Psalm 11:3-7

Interesting that yesterday ended with a dissatisfying taste, an emptiness which I tried at first to distill with reading and popcorn, but then, Lord,  you reminded me to praise you for it, as this emptiness was a reminder that my soul finds rest in you alone—and the response to any unsettledness is praise and the sacrifice of thanksgiving.  Praise you, Lord Jesus, for the wonder and stability of knowing you, being a child of the eternal God.  You give us all we need and I can praise you for it.  As it says in Psalm 11:

Psa 11:3  “If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do?” [we can look away to you, Lord God, the only sure foundation in all of existence. We can praise and thank you, rejoice in your character, rest in your love, live in your wisdom.  The instability of the world only serves to highlight the surety of your character: ‘Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever!’]

Psa 11:4  “The Lord is in His holy temple, The Lord’s throne is in heaven;” [You are ever ruling, ever awake, ever alert.  Nothing escapes your notice and you always act at exactly the right time. You rule wisely, wonderfully, willfully. You are moving events to the great conclusion of history, sweeping as many into your Kingdom as are willing to come, and giving those who aren’t willing opportunity as well.]

“His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men. [Psa 11:5]  The Lord tests the righteous,” [You watch every person, you test each one, giving opportunities to believe to the not-yet-sons.  And to those who are your children, who have on the righteousness of Christ, you give tests, possibilities to grow, give glory and display grace .  Ah, Lord, help us to remember that difficulties, disappointments, danger and discouragement are tests, each one an opportunity to take up your grace, rise up in praise and defeat the enemy in his own ground.  May we not fail, but cooperate with you, for your glory!]

“But the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates. “ [Here is one of those seeming paradoxes of the Bible: God loves all, yet hates the wicked. Two possible understandings: He hates what they do, but loves them as His creatures; or here He is speaking of Satan and his minions.  There are, of course, other possibilities. The certainty is that in God’s character there is no contradiction: He hates sin and will punish it, yet found a way to redeem sinners within this context.  You, Lord, are the God of completeness and perfection, without contradiction or wrong.  You are the one we can trust totally.]

Psa 11:6  “Upon the wicked He will rain coals; Fire and brimstone and a burning wind shall be the portion of their cup.” [You, Lord God, will punish the evil, those who love violence, those who hate what is good, those who refuse to believe you and accept Truth.  This is not what you want, but it is what they choose. So you did in Sodom and Gomorrah. So you did in Canaan to those who rejected you, so you will do to all those who refuse your offer of goodness and grace.  There can be no justice without punishment of evil.]

Psa 11:7  “For the Lord is righteous, He loves righteousness;” [Praise you, Lord God, that in your there is no evil, no darkness, no sin, no wrong.  You are righteous and love righteousness. You cannot be corrupted and corrupt no one.]

“His countenance beholds the upright.” [You in your love and goodness, look ever on us who stand in the uprightness of Christ. You are aware of every event that comes to us, you filter out what is truly evil and harmful, you equip us to deal with what you allow through.  Your love is great, rich, pure and powerful.  You have qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the Kingdom of Light!  To you be glory, honor and praise forever. May you be lifted up, honored and exalted in my life today in my motives, thoughts, words and actions. Amen.]

The Purpose of Life: Psalm 11:1,2

Praise be to you, Lord God, for your wonderful wisdom working consistently in the lives of your children, bringing protection, guidance, goodness, suffering and difficulties.  You know what is best, you know what is right.  You give opportunity for faith-responses, for glory-giving, for grace-demonstrations, for volitional praise, for clenched teeth obedience.  These are the purpose for our existence: to bring honor to you, to be reflectors of your glory, to exalt your name and your Word above all other things.

I praise you for another day, another opportunity to live for you, to live by faith, to offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving and thereby honor you while opening the way so your salvation can flow further into my future and that of those around me. (Ps. 50:23)

Psa 11:1 “In the Lord I put my trust;” [Yes, Lord, I willfully choose to trust you, not myself, not people, not circumstances, not power nor politicians.  You alone are the One to rest in, for you are Powerful, All-knowing, All-seeing, All-loving.  I choose to praise you in and for all things, for the difficult as well as the delightful. Your faithful, sinless, errorless character, displayed in the rich outpouring of your Love in the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus, is all the proof we need that you are good.  I choose to trust you.]

How can you say to my soul, ‘Flee as a bird to your mountain’?”  [No mountain will save me, no mountain will love me, no mountain is impregnable.  Only you, Lord, are an actual, adequate refuge and strength, my High Tower, my Mighty Rock. To you, Lord, I will flee when worry, fear, danger or loss threaten. To you I will offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving—praising you when it costs me, when I don’t feel like it. Your help is all I need.]

Psa 11:2  “For look! The wicked bend their bow, They make ready their arrow on the string, That they may shoot secretly at the upright in heart.” [If I fly to temporal help, I make myself vulnerable to attacks of the enemy.  If I set my heart on a desired solution rather than God’s glory, I have made myself open to attack, to loss, to failure, pain and death.

However, if I set my heart on praising you, Lord, rather than on having my way, my desire, my plan, than You will shield my head in the day of battle. I may not got what I desire, but I will be able to exalt your name in praise, fulfilling the purpose you have for my life and live in the freedom of knowing You will do what is best.

What a privilege to live for you, my Great King, Ruler of the universe, Spinner of the Earth, Bringer of the dawn, Beginner and Ender of time.  You are the One to be exalted, praised, honored and worshiped.  I bow before you in surrender, I rise up to obey you this day with all my heart.  May the mediations of my heart and the words of my mouth be pleasing to You, my mighty Rock and my Redeemer. (Ps 19:14)]

Psalm 23 part 3

Ps 23: 5b, 6 “You anoint my head with oil;” [As my Shepherd you care for me, you pour out your goodness on me every day.  Oil here can represent many things, among them the Holy Spirit, protection, blessing, provision and healing.  Shepherds put oil on the heads of sheep to keep away pesky insects, to heal wounds, to refresh.  You, Lord, provide for us all these and more in your gracious giving, pouring out continually from your unending, inexhaustible store of riches.]

“My cup runs over.” [You bring me what I need and far more.  What I actually need is air, water, food, clothing, shelter and love.  When I look at what you have given me it is way beyond that, much more than what I need spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, physically, socially, financially and in every other realm.  And it is my privilege and responsibility to share these with others, let your blessings to me flow over on others.  For example, the joy you give me should bring joy to others as I am kind, thoughtful, positive and helpful to them, whether I feel like it or not. The material provisions I should be sharing around.  The spiritual riches I should also be passing along.  In your Kingdom getting and hoarding is not the norm, receiving and giving is.]

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life;” [Goodness and mercy are your constant gifts to your children; it is a certainty that in each situation you are pouring these into our lives, but very often we cannot see them at the moment—however, when we look back at a difficult situation, there they are, following us!  This has been and will be true throughout the whole of our lives with you.  You are faithful, you are good and you are merciful. Praise be to you my wonderful Shepherd!]

“And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever.” [What a hope for the future: I WILL be in your presence for eternity.  Death holds no fear, shortness of life holds no panic, the future holds no threat: we press on to what you have for us now in this life and more so in the next.  You are the One we yearn for, live for, hope for, and our hope is as certain as your Love, your Word, your Power, your present Presence!  Glory and honor are due your wonderful Name, Lord Jesus. May my life give you honor today as I trust you through praise and thanksgiving in and for all.]

Psalm 23 part 2

Psalm 23:4,5a

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;”  One of the paths of righteousness you will lead me on goes through this dark valley.  It may be a time of dying to a desire, to my will, to a possession or it may be physical danger and suffering or death. It may be a threat to what is right and true.  Whatever it is, I do not need to fear that evil will triumph.

There may be loss and suffering, but in the end evil will not win, you, Lord Shepherd, will win.  I think of Paul in his shipwreck: there were days of uncertainty where he was cold, wet and hungry, and then the crashing of the ship into a sandbar and everyone having to swim to shore. There was evil present: the soldiers wanted to kill the prisoners, Paul included, so they couldn’t escape, but that was prevented. Then the viper bit Paul, but God protected him and no harm was done.

It was a dark valley, caused by faulty human decisions, but in it the witness of Paul shone brighter in his faith, in his declaration of God’s sovereignty, in his prediction (all possesions will be lost, all people will be saved), and in his being protected.  Without that dark, the light would have not been seen so clearly. God protects us from what will harm us spiritually as we take refuge in His love, power and truth and in this we can shine as a light house for those seeking Truth.

“I will fear no evil for You are with me;”  You, Lord God, are ever present, never leaving us.  If there is threatening evil, you are also there, watching, providing, protecting in whatever way you deem best.  When the door to the future opens and we have no idea what is on the other side, we can be sure that you are there, waiting to greet us.

“Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”  Your shepherd’s rod, a club to beat off attackers, is powerful, effective, faithful.  You are undefeatable; you have already won. We can rest in uncertainty because you are certain.

And your staff is there for us, the shepherd’s crook used to correct the sheep as they stray.  You are faithful to warn us when we wander willfully out of the path: you tap us, or you pull us back, you guide us persistently.  Praise you for your wisdom, your love, your faithfulness that assures us of your protection and guidance.

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;”  As the good Shepherd, you bring us into a place to graze.  On the edges of this pasture may lurk wolves, bears, lions, or the great serpent, Satan.  Their presence, however, does not need to disturb us, for you are our protector.  No one can defeat you, no one can thwart your purposes. We can ignore the threats of the enemy and quietly, peacefully feed on what you have given, resting in your goodness, greatness and glory.

You are our Shepherd, our Warrior King who has defeated the enemy.  As we remain in the shelter of your Word, your way, your wisdom, praising you in and for all, we are safe–not from suffering but certainly from spiritual harm.  Praise be to you for your marvelous gift of being our loving, wise and faithful Shepherd. Glory be to you forever and ever.


Psalm 23 part 1

I praise you that as I awoke this morning, Lord, you were there: my Shepherd, my Lord,  my King.  I praise you that this day I shall not want, for you in your wisdom, your riches, your power have provided all that I need and much more— as your Word says, “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.” 2 Peter 1:3,4

You as my Shepherd make me to lie down in green pastures—you don’t ask, you make me lie down.  You select the pasture I need now and keep me there as long as is needed so I can grow and deepen, mature and develop.

Joseph in the OT didn’t particularly want to be a slave, or go to prison, but that was the green pasture you had for him where he learned to deny self, to live for you and to be a good administrator.  Then he was equipped to save many others, including his family, the Egyptians, the line of Jesus and eventually us!

As your Word says, whatever comes to us is our present green pasture:  “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.’ James 1:2-4

You lead me beside the still waters—you give me time to be with you, to take in, to gain eternal perspective.  You lead but I must both follow and drink, I must spend time in your Word, in worship, in intercession and confession, pouring out my heart, lifting my soul to you.  And I can do this because you are “good and ready to forgive and plenteous in mercy to all who come to you.” Psalm 86:5

As I cooperate, you will restore my soul: you will bring refreshment, perspective, understanding, greater faith and more praise.  You restore my soul to more of it’s pre-fall perspective, making me more like yourself. “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory….” 2 Cor 3:18

You will then lead me in paths of righteousness for your name’s sake—and again, I must choose to follow.  I can be sure that where you lead me will be right, righteous, pure, positive and godly.  If I sense leading which is not one of these, then I can know that this is not you leading me, but subtle and sneaky call of the world, the flesh and the devil.  I want to give you glory in all I do, so for the sake of your name will gladly follow your righteous lead, no matter how much self denial it requires.