

Psalm 24:6

Written several years ago. Psalm 24:5, speaking of the person “who has clean hands and a pure heart,” goes on to say,
“He will receive blessing from the LORD and vindication from God his Savior.”
[Thank you for this assurance, Lord, that you, my Vindicator, have saved me and will bless me by helping me live for you. At the moment, I do not see much blessing, with two difficult situations before me–but I can trust that you have a plan and will do what is best. I chose to run with endurance the race you have set before me.]
Psalm 24:6 “Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, O God of Jacob.”
[When we seek you, you grant us clean hands and a pure heart through the finished work of Jesus Christ; then you lead us aright, guiding us into obedience as we seek your face.
May we seek you first and always, O Lord, rather than pursuing being comfortable, or having possessions, or success, or our own desires. Instead may we seek you, the King of Glory, the God of Jacob—the Pure One who is willing to identify with those like Jacob and us who are by nature selfish, manipulative, stubborn, untrusting and proud.
Praise you for your patience in drawing us along into the warm and transforming embrace of your love. Praise you that you do whatever it takes to bring us to surrender in yourself, as you did with Jacob, taking away everything he valued, so he would face his need for you. And finally, in his old age, at 147, he surrendered: “Israel worshiped as he leaned on the top of his staff” (Gen. 47:31 NIV).
And so it is with us–you do whatever it takes to help us seek you first, so that you can bless us with a life in and with you: a new life, an eternal life, an abundant life, a pure life, a serving and productive life.
Help us to surrender to you quickly so you don’t have to take drastic measures as you did with Jacob. May we seek your face daily, so we can be useful instruments in your hands, bringing you honor now, not waiting until later in life.]

Storms on the horizon

Chapter 11 Storm Warnings
As I entered the Dakotas the weather grew hotter. I took off my shirt and rode bare backed. The roads wound through the badlands, the sun reflecting cruelly off the light colored sand.
That evening I decided to stay in a camp ground so I could get a shower. Exhausted from the hot day, I went to bed early.
As usual I laid out my plastic poncho on the ground, put my sleeping bag on it and then put the loose end of the poncho up over the motorcycle, making a little tent. I lay down and went right to sleep.
I was suddenly jolted awake. It was dark and a strong wind was blowing. I looked around and realized that my motorcycle had been blown over, fortunately away from me. I struggled out of the sleeping bag, picked up the motorcycle and headed it into the wind so it wouldn’t be blown over again.
I looked up at the dark sky and saw parts of the horizon lit up by lightning. I decided to go to the camp office, a little cinder block building at the entrance to the campground, and see what was going on. The wind, however, was so strong that I had trouble making headway, and at times was almost crawling.
When I finally made it in the office door, I found the rest of the campers already gathered there, listening to the radio.
“What’s happening?” I asked.
“According to the radio there’s a tornado coming right towards us,” replied the camp owner.
“What should we do?” I asked.
“There’s not much we can do,” said one camper. “We don’t know if the tornado will hit us or change direction. We’ve got nowhere to go underground, so we can only wait it out!”
I suddenly felt very small again: powerless and vulnerable. Things were totally out of my control here and there was nothing I could do to regain it.
I went to the door and looked out at the fantastic play of lightning that now was visible all around the horizon. I could not see any tornado, but the wind was stronger than ever, screaming past the building. One camper told me that according to the radio it was over 100 mph.
Time crawled by, with most of the campers sitting on the floor, waiting for the storm to pass, hoping the tornado would not hit the camp. At about midnight the radio announced that the tornado had played itself out. Everyone cheered.
Although relieved that nothing had happened, I for one was not cheered. This event had revealed again my inability to handle the bigger challenges life brings. Who can fight with a tornado?
I thought again of that close call at the intersection in Minneapolis. Just when things had seemed to be coming together for a new start in life after graduating from college, here was the reminder that life was more of a wild bronco than a comfortable motorcycle saddle.
As the wind died down, I made my way back to my camping spot, again picked up my motorcycle, remade my tent and crawled into my sleeping bag.
Mount Rushmore. It certainly was a rush to see the four Presidents carved into the mountainside. The size of the sculpture was overwhelming when seen from close up. How could a man plan and execute such a vision?
As evening was approaching, I checked in at one of the camping areas in the park. Near my spot was a pop up camper. The owner chatted with me as I set up my little “motorcycle tent,” and told me about the wildlife in those parts: lots of bears, coyotes, and even mountain lions.
I came away from that conversation feeling a bit unsettled. “That guy will go into his nice, safe camper while I have to sleep outside on the ground,” I thought, “Who knows what may turn up in the night to visit me?”
I climbed into my sleeping bag and was soon asleep. Later in the night I was awakened by something. I sensed a shape moving to the left of my head. I turned to look and an animal growled loudly in my ear! I was not sure what it was, but it was big and loud–possibly a bear!
A wave of panic swept over me; here I was, zipped into my sleeping bag and couldn’t possibly defend myself if I tried! Again I was forced to recognize my smallness, my being way too weak to handle this situation on my own; I could do nothing.
I heard the animal moving away and quickly got out of my sleeping bag, stumbling over my food box.
“Of course,” I said to myself, “it smelled my food! That was really foolish of me to keep that so near me.”
I took the box and put it up in the branches of a tree. “That may not be completely secure,” I thought, “but at least if another animal comes, it will go after this instead of me!”
As I climbed back into my sleeping bag I realized I was shaking from the intensity of the experience. “I sure hope that no other visitors come; I’ve had enough for one night!” I thought as I zipped up the bag.
Yellowstone Park! It was a beautiful, majestic, startling place. As I cruised the roads through the forest, I felt a sense of freedom and a regained sense of control.
When I reached the edge of a stretch of woods opening onto a meadow, all the traffic suddenly stopped. As I sat behind the stopped cars, I looked around to see the reason for the delay.
There, just 50 yards away, walked the reason: a big bear. He looked at the line of cars filled with tourists staring at him. Then suddenly he sniffed the air. He swung around and looked right at me and then began to lope in my direction.
I stepped on the gearshift, dropping it into first gear, cranked on the gas handle and moved out the line of traffic, putting the cars between myself and the bear.
The roar of the motorcycle startled the bear and he turned and loped off into the woods. Several tourists shook their fists at me as I went by.
“Yeah, easy for you to be upset,” I thought, “You are safe in your cars while I’m sitting here out in the open with my food box to attract the bear!”
Weakness again!
Picture from internet

Peace reigns as I rest in you

Praise be to you, Jesus, my Lord and God, for the privilege of waking up and knowing that I am at peace with you, that our relationship is grace-filled, good and gloriously positive.
Thank you for your wonderful unmerited love, ever flowing to me, over me, through me, and around me, as well as going before me.
Therefore, I can rest in your gentle grace, your positive power, your marvelous majesty, your wide and wonderful wisdom. I can rest in your great plans, your deep purposes, your plenteous provision. You are the glorious God of goodness, the majestic Lord of meaning, the strong King of hope. In you I have a future with stability and purpose.
These are all wonderful, but they are actually only the by-products of your much more significant gift to us: a wonderful relationship with you which is rich, warm, enthusiastic, filled with your delight, love and joy.
Peace reigns as I rest in you. Grace flows as I embrace my place of submission with humility. Joy deepens as I move forward in eager surrender to your wisdom, to your Word and to your ways.
Praise be to you, Lord Jehovah, Yahweh, the great Triune God, marvelous in majesty, glorious in grace and caring in compassion. You have made yourself my Father, my Savior, my King and my Shepherd. In you alone is rest, in you alone is peace and joy, for we were made to live in surrender in your embrace of love.
Help me to be in submission and sync with you all through this day, Lord, living in the light of your Word, in the direction of your Spirit and in the wisdom of your understanding, waiting for your timing in all. I praise you now for what you will do, for how you will use me, for all that you will bring into my life today.
Picture: a view of An.kara, where the Lord led us and blessed us with much hardship and joy.

Psalm 24:4c

Psalm 23:4c
“Who may ascend the hill of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place?” He who does not “swear by what is false.”
[To put value on what is false is a serious sin. In the world, beauty and wealth, power and position are the predominate and false values. But the truth is, only what you, Lord, value is worth our time and energy–love and grace, your Word, prayer, service and goodness. I praise you that in you we can be free from what is false, for you are Truth itself and the truth sets us free.
You know all things, therefore your measure of truth is the one we should use. I praise and thank you, Lord Jesus, for shepherding us into freedom FROM falsehood, and into freedom IN Truth.
You are the wise God who, through your Word and Spirit, reveals to us what we cannot possibly discover with our feeble intellect. You are the great and wonderful God whom we can worship because you have opened the way into a rich and rousing relationship with you.
Help me to walk with you closely through the whole of this day, rejecting idols and obeying what I know to be true, honoring you.

Psalm 24:3-4

Psalm 24:3 “Who may ascend the hill of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place?”
[Not just anyone may come and stand before you, Lord, for you are holy and pure, and have conditions that we must meet first.
I praise you that you did not bend your standards to let just any uncleansed, unforgiven sinner come into your presence, but you met your own demands for holiness in the sacrifice of Christ so that we can come before you forgiven, cleansed and accepted.
Praise you that you will not allow sin to enter Heaven, that you will definitely eliminate wickedness from the New Heaven and Earth, while saving those who trust in you. This is a wonderful part of our hope in you, Lord God.]
Psalm 24:4 “Who may ascend…He who has clean hands and a pure heart,”
[These we can have only in you, Lord Jesus. There is no way we can purify ourselves of all the sinful tendencies and drives which are an innate part of our natural hearts or clean our hands from all the wrong things we have done.
David did so much wrong with his hands and heart, killing women and children in his raids, having so many wives, committing adultery and murder–yet you, Lord Jesus, provided cleansing and purity for him as he repented, and then you gave these to us. You are the One who paid the penalty so we can have cleansed hands, and a new, pure heart. Praise be to you!]
“who does not lift up his soul to an idol,”
[Here is our part, to worship you alone, Lord Jesus. Praise you, Lord, that you are showing me the many idols in my heart, that is, whatever I demand, apart from you, to be happy. And these are exposed any time I complain: for then I am seeking happiness in getting my way.
I praise you that you have exposed so many idols and continually help me to reject them. remembering that you, O Lord God, are the only one worth lifting our souls to. I commit myself to do that. Help me to quickly spot my idols and reject them.]

Psalm 24:1-2

Psalm 24:1 “The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;”
[To you belong all things, O Lord Yahweh, the Great Creator God. Every square inch of land, every drop of water, every plant, every mineral, every molecule as well as every creature is yours. You are the undisputed owner by virtue of your creating all out of nothing, simply speaking them into existence.
You are worthy of obedience, for we, too, belong to you as the work of your hands, as creatures before the Creator.
Psalm 24:2 “for he founded the earth upon the seas and established it upon the waters.”
[It was you, Lord Yahweh, who spoke and brought the earth into existence, hung it on nothing, spun it at the right speed, correctly tilted the axis for proper seasons, and sent it off in the best orbit around the sun. You are the One who planned all, established the laws of physics, set gravity at just the right strength, who put your stamp of design on all aspects of your creation.
Your intelligence is seen everywhere: in the complexity, variety and beauty of flowers, giving you honor in their gracefulness and cheer as they bear seeds for the next year; in the ingenious design of fruits, with their perfect packaging for seeds and as delicious food for creatures; in the reproduction of animals in various ways, each appropriate for their place of life; in the immense information and order of DNA molecules; in the complexity of the human body with all its systems and inner communication abilities with synapses, electric messages, hormones and thoughts.
I praise you, Lord that you are the Founder of all, the Source of all, the Protector of all, the Redeemer of all. You are the God worthy of worship and honor, of obedience and praise, of thanksgiving and self-denial.
Praise you that you lead us consistently in the right way, moving us back towards the beauty that was there in the beginning. Praise you that we can know you, walk with you, cooperate with you, be loved by you, the Great Creator God.
I give you glory, exaltation and thanks today. May you be honored in my life as I obey you. May I bring you joy, not pain; gladness, not sorrow; pleasure, not grief. I praise you now for how you will answer this prayer in the day before me, for you are gloriously faithful and fantastically good.

God’s Shield of Victory

Written several years several years ago when I faced with three difficult situations simultaneously and turned to Psalm 18 for comfort and encouragement.
Psalm 18:32 “It is God who arms me with strength” [In my weakness, your strength is perfected.] “and makes my way perfect.”
[You know exactly what should happen, what should come, what is right–and that is what you bring, such as these three difficulties. You know how I should respond and will guide me in that direction.]
Psalm 18:33 “He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to stand on the heights.”
[It is in your power that we can come out on top, for without you we can do nothing. It is in your grace that we can move onward and upward in life despite difficulties, keeping on the whole armor, standing in the day of evil, doing all you desire from us.]
Psalm 18:34 “He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze.”
[You give us ability, strength, endurance and discipline–which we must then develop in cooperation with you.]
Psalm 18:35 “You give me your shield of victory,”
[This is important—it is YOUR shield, Lord, it is YOUR victory, therefore the glory goes to YOU alone. Yet you call us to share in your victories by your power, to defeat the true enemy in your strength, to triumph in praise, prayer and obedience. You give your shield, but we have to take it up and use it. In the three difficult situations before me now, I must get that shield up, offering the sacrifice of thanksgiving, resting in you, praising you in my weakness, trusting you in prayer and rejoicing in the unseen work you are doing behind the scenes.]
“and your right hand sustains me;”
[as I tire and droop in the battle, I can turn to you, and you lift me up, strengthen me, support me so I can continue on in the fight against the real enemy.]
“you stoop down to make me great.
[This is a beautiful and amazing truth: we are so far below you in every way, yet you lean way down over the side of Heaven to lift us up and make us great in your sight. This is sharing your glory with us, giving us your power, wisdom and grace that those around us may see your work in our lives and rejoice in you.]
Psalm 18:36 “You broaden the path beneath me,”
[You, Lord God, are at work in all the details. You open the doors, prepare the way, deal with things we are not aware of and protect us in your love.]
“so that my ankles do not turn.”
[you know what will cause us to stumble, to fall, and to be crippled—and these things you prevent, or guide us around, and as we follow, we can press on in the battle, thinking truth, thanking you, joining you in prayer, doing what your Word says is right.
Praise you, Lord God, for your goodness and graciousness and love. Praise you that I can live in these truths, bask in your light, revel in your love and rise up to run in obedience to you, bringing honor and glory to your name. May that happen today as you bring light to me.

Marvelous Love

What a wonder you are, Lord Jesus, in your willingness to suffer the anguish of the cross, the despair of abandonment, the pain of rejection, the battering of Satan’s attacks, the horror of becoming sin, the crushing weight of the Father’s judgment, the banishment from His presence, and condemnation to death.
There was no need for you, the Righteous One, to suffer these things, but love led the way, faithfulness stayed the course, obedience brought the glorious conclusion. Praise you for this great display of your rich, loving, gracious Character, O Everlasting God!
Praise you for your loving care, shepherding your rebellious children, displaying great patience in the face of our disrespect, unbelief, disobedience and selfishness.
You, Lord Jesus, are worthy of worship for boundless reasons. I praise you for the joy you give as I think on how you have worked in my life, providing personal, powerful, persistent, patient intervention to bring me to my senses, to bring me to surrender and out of trouble.
I love you, Lord Jesus. I rejoice in your all-sufficient grace, I praise you for your all-encompassing goodness. Truly you are worthy of all-absorbing worship, so I bow down now and give you honor in my thoughts, desires and words.
I rise up to enter this day, giving you glory in my life. May you be the One I continually delight in, and may that delight spill over onto all I will meet today!

Heading West

I completed the Bureau Indian Affairs application for a teacher’s position, mailed it off to their headquarters in New Mexico and got my 250 cc motorcycle ready for the trip.
It was 6 am on a fine July morning in 1968 when I finished putting the last items in my kit and opened the door to put it on my motorcycle. I was amazed to see a crowd gathered outside.
“What’s all this?” I asked.
Carl, a high school friend, replied, “Your mother invited us all to send you off!”
I smiled, pleased at this thoughtful act and the willingness of all the friends and relatives to come out this early.
I shook hands with each one and chatted a bit, but I was anxious to be off. I closed the neon orange box bolted to the back of my BSA 250, pulled on my helmet and climbed aboard.
As I dropped it into gear and began to pull away, my friends all shouted goodbye and Carl fired off a few rounds from his rifle to send me on my way.
The miles passed quickly on that first sunny day. My initial stop was Gettysburg where I visited with friends. Then I moved on to Maryland to stay with a classmate. From there I went north, through Williamsport over the steel grid bridge that made the motorcycle sway alarmingly.
I arrived that evening in Cherry Creek, NY to stay with my sister Andrea and her husband, Jerry. “Where do you go from here?” asked Andrea at breakfast the next day.
“First to visit our Grandma Haslip in East St. Louis, then up to Minneapolis to see my old college roommate. From there I’ll work my way west to Alaska.”
“Where will you stay?” Andrea asked.
“Beyond Minneapolis, I don’t know. I’ve got my sleeping bag, so could stay most anywhere.”
“Doesn’t the uncertainty bother you?” she asked.
“No, it’s an adventure,” I replied.
Several days later I arrived in Minneapolis. I’d been somewhat concerned about a whine that developed in the engine during my ride across Indiana. It had been a hot day, very hot, so I thought the whine might go away when things cooled off, but it seemed to be with me for good. It made me insecure, but I decided to ignore it, a technique I’d found effective before.
However,this did not work well with the “whine” in my soul that surfaced periodically. It was to come up more often than I wanted in the near future.
I checked my map, reviewed the directions to Ed’s home and drove into the city. I came to a large intersection where 5 roads came together.
I was first in line at the light and when it turned green, I zoomed out to cross the intersection, but was shocked to see cars coming from not one but two of the roads facing me. I had to swerve left and then right, barely missing the oncoming vehicles.
It happened so fast that I could only react instinctively—and fortunately by this time the motorcycle had become an extension of my body and I could almost move it with thought alone. But this close call really shook me.
Until this happened, I had been feeling really good about myself and my ability to deal with all that would come at me in life. And even though I had instinctively handled the near collisions well, it reminded me that there was a lot in life that was out of my control. It made me feel small and vulnerable. There was again a small whine in my soul.
I did not use my motorcycle at all during the days I spent at Ed’s. I felt the need to withdraw a bit from traffic and recover from the scare of my near accident.
The visit over, I loaded my box back on the motorcycle and headed out for Wisconsin to visit another friend from college. On the way I camped out in a field and awoke to a dew-soaked dawn with a million diamond drops sparkling in the sunrise. Even though life was uncertain, it certainly had a lot of beauty in it!
The next day I arrived at my friend’s house, and spent a couple of days boating, bicycle riding and visiting some local sights. Then it was time to move on.

Marvelous Beauty

Praise you, Lord Jesus, that you are the Sovereign King, the One who has a plan for every situation and will work things out. You are the One who will bring good things to pass in the best way—even out of all that is negative.
Praise you, too, Lord Jesus, for reminding me last night that you are the One I am to delight in. It was good that you drew me away from work, so I could be quiet and hear your reminder. I was in danger of veering off into delighting in projects.
You reminded me that my passion, my first love, my delight must be in you, Lord Jesus, the Creator of all, the Owner of all, the Ender of all. You are the One and Only One to be exalted.
Worship is very much wrapped up in delighting in you, intentionally nurturing our first love for you. So, I choose to delight in you now, remembering that you are perfect in wisdom, complete in knowledge, consistent in doing what is best for your children.
You are magnificent in power, creating galaxies just by speaking. You are majestic in your grace, forgiving where justice demands punishment. You are mighty in your goodness, pouring out positives on both the righteous and the rebel.
In you there is no evil, no sin, no wrong, no error. As seen in the picture below, You are pure and white as the snow, as clear as the blue sky, as majestic as the clouds, as beautiful as still waters. You are the King of kindness, the God of goodness, the holy Hater of evil, the just Judge of wrong doers, the faithful Forgiver of sinners.
What overwhelming beauty, what a mighty marvel you are Lord Jesus. I love you my rock and my redeemer.