

Partaking of the Divine Nature

I praise you, Lord Jesus, that as I awoke this morning, you were there–my God, my Shepherd, my elder Brother, my King. I praise you that this day I shall not lack anything I need, for you in your wisdom, your riches and your power have already provided all that is necessary and much more.
As it says in 2 Peter 1:3,4 “[Your] divine power HAS GIVEN us EVERYTHING we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of [you] who called us by [your] own glory and goodness.”
We just need to learn to take up your provision and use it—to get to know you more and more, to be filled with your Spirit, to put on the whole armor of God daily, to lift our souls to the Father and off-load our junk stress, to meditate on your Word and to flee temptation, taking refuge in you.
Because you have given us all we need for life and godliness, we don’t need to pray for patience, you have already given it to us! (There is nowhere in Scripture where we are told to pray for patience). We just have to pray, “Lord, I lay down my poor puny patience, and take up your great and glorious Patience, remembering that my times are in your hands, and you will move things along at the right pace as I trust in you.”
In addition, through your glory and goodness, Lord Jesus, you have “given us [your] very great and precious promises, so that through them [we] MAY PARTICIPATE IN THE DIVINE NATURE and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”
Wow! We are able to participate in YOUR divine nature! What a gift, to be your children and to have the Holy Spirit indwell us, as He did David, Isaiah and Daniel. We are truly different from all other creatures and peoples because, as your born-again children, your divine nature dwells in us!
As John wrote in astonishment, “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1).
Help us, Lord Jesus, to live today in the reality of your personal indwelling and powerful provision. Help us to take up and use all that you have given us so we can live godly lives, bringing you honor, while shining your light and hope on all those around us, including my grand-kids in the picture below.
Image may contain: 3 people, people sitting and child

Psalm 10:16-18

Psalm 10:16 “The LORD is King for ever and ever; the nations will perish from his land.”
[You, the Eternal One, set up and take down rulers and nations, you begin and end all, you will remove the wicked and restore the righteous. Of this we can be certain, because you, O God, are faithful and good forever.]
Psalm 10:17 “You hear, O LORD, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry,”
[Praise be to you, the God who hears, who listens with complete understanding, who knows our hearts and answers with comfort in wisdom and power.]
Psalm 10:18 “defending the fatherless and the oppressed, in order that man, who is of the earth, may terrify no more.”
[Praise you, Lord, that you defend, you provide, you protect and encourage. You will move us out from the oppression Satan wields through wicked men. Your love and care, your protection and deliverance will bring you glory and praise, honor and exaltation, for you are the King of Salvation!]
Help us to live today in the light of your goodness, trusting in the sure hope of your deliverance, whatever our situation might be, for you hear our cry, you will faithfully answer in the right way at the right time with the right deliverance, whether it be in this life or the next. Help us to trust you fully so that you may use us fully.
And my request today is that you would get my heart to work right so I can get out the hospital and back with my family! [Written way in the past, not a current event, and He did answer this prayer] Amen.
Picture: me in my hospital gown with my IV buddy.
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Perfect Protection

“I will say of the LORD, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’ Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.”
Psalm 91:2,3

Such deliverance I experienced when arrested for my faith, being threatened with death by the police, but God intervened, as in the picture below and by His grace, here I am today.

Praise be to you for your great promises, Lord Jesus, such as the one above in Psalm 91. These promises are fastened at one end to your plans laid out before the foundation of the earth, then stretched over time as a canopy of protection, and fastened at the other end in the conclusion of history–when all evil and sin will be swept away and confined to Hell and the lake of fire.
Your faithfulness is our shield and rampart, throwing back the attacks of the enemy. We live every day under your powerful, pure and persistent protection. And you give us a part in this, equipping us with the ever-present and portable protection of the spiritual armor (Ephesians 6:10-18).
I praise you especially for the shield of faith, which we can choose at any time to raise with praise to quench all the fiery arrows of lies and accusations the enemy shoots at us.
At the same time, we live with the ever-present possibility of “escaping” to our own devices, wandering off into the fields of self and sin, exposing ourselves to the sinister attacks of Satan.
You have certainly given us great freedom of choice: great power to dwell in your shelter, or not. And in giving us this choice-potential, you have exposed yourself to grief and pain as we often choose to disobey, to not forgive, to not get up the shield of faith. Thank you for your willingness to continue to suffer sadness as you seek to conform us to Christ.
Praise you for your persistence in moving us towards maturity, bringing diverse difficulties our way so that we can practice procuring your grace, persisting in prayer, performing in wisdom, playing our part with joy–and thereby be protected from the “snares of the fowler.”
Yours is such love, such kindness, such empowering, such willingness to suffer for the good of your children! There is no other like you! You are the Lord my God, you are the Creator and Savior, King and Shield, Protector and Redeemer, to you be glory and honor and praise forever.
Prayer: “I bow before you, my King, and give myself to you anew with all my heart, mind, soul and strength. May I honor you today in all I say and do. Lead me in what is righteous, good, lovely and graceful. Amen.”
Picture from Bible Museum in Dallas Texas
Image may contain: one or more people and child

Psalm 10:12-15

Psalm 10:12 “Arise, LORD! Lift up your hand, O God. Do not forget the helpless.”
[The psalmist has ended his complaint and now turns to you, Jehovah God, the only true help, who will move to intervene. Perhaps you have not acted earlier because no one prayed for your help, even though you prompted them to do so. But now the writer prays and you will answer.]
Psalm 10:13 “Why does the wicked man revile God? Why does he say to himself, ‘He won’t call me to account’”?
[the answer: he is blind, caught in the net of delusion the enemy has set for him; he fell into this trap because he rejected the light, the truth that God offered him. He has, like Esau, valued power, position and prosperity above what is of eternal value.]
Psalm 10:14 “But you, O God, do see trouble and grief; you consider it to take it in hand. The victim commits himself to you; you are the helper of the fatherless.”
[We can commit our feeble, helpless and vulnerable lives to you, O Lord, for you are our defender, our shield, our high tower, our salvation. You are the One who sees the fatherless, the widow, the helpless ones and will act on their behalf.]
Psalm 10:15 “Break the arm of the wicked and evil man; call him to account for his wickedness that would not be found out.”
[You, O Holy God, do see all, you will act and judge evil, at the right time. Praise you for your great and powerful working! Help us to wait for your perfect timing.
As it says in Psalm 37:7-9, “Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret–it leads only to evil. For those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land.”
Help us to be still before you, Lord, to reject our anger, wrath and fretting, to rest in you, knowing that you will deal with evil. Help us to obey you in what we know to be right so we can be a reflection of your light–like the double sun in this picture–shining grace and truth on all those around us.]
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Post Op

After my open heart surgery, I woke up in the recovery room. My mouth was painfully dry, and there was a big tube in it. When the orderly noticed that I was awake, he came over and removed the tube, which evidently went right down into my windpipe, forcing oxygen into my lungs.
When they had cut through my sternum and then pulled my rib cage open to access my heart for surgery, I was unable to breathe on my own, so a machine had taken over. Now with my sternum wired back together, I was able to breath again without assistance.
The orderly lifted me up a bit and said, “Cough!” I tried to but a searing pain shot through my chest.
“I need some water!” I said. He brought me a little cup which I drank very slowly, then another one, after which the orderly left the room. Suddenly I realized I was going to throw up all over my incision!
I looked to the side of the bed where there was a large trash can; there I saw what looked like an empty plastic ice cream container. I could just reach it, and got it up to my mouth in time for all the water I’d drunk to come back out!
That was just like the Lord to have that container right there so I wouldn’t throw up all over my new stitches! Another gracious God sighting.
The care in the hospital was excellent and after three days they sent me home. I assumed that among the medicines I was given to take home, they had included a painkiller. But I was wrong. My pain grew worse and worse and finally, Barbara called the surgeon.
“Oh, you’d like some painkiller?” She asked, “Well, just go down to the pharmacy and get some of this…”
That little conversation brought out two other things I like about the medical process in Turkey. You can just call up and talk directly with your doctor and you can buy whatever medicine they tell you to from the pharmacy without any prescription! Barbara went out and got me the pain medicine.
I had to sleep in the living room on the foldout couch because our bed was too low for me to get up from easily. With my chest still healing, I couldn’t raise myself to a normal sitting position, so Josh tied a rope around the arm of the couch by my feet; holding this rope in my hands, I could pull myself up without help. it was effective but a little strange looking; one of my friends chuckled as he asked if I were trying to use my couch as a horse wagon.
One night I was awakened by the couch shaking from side to side. It was actually my chest pain caused by this motion that woke me up. I was disoriented and looked around to see who was shaking me, but quickly realized that it was a mild earthquake. We have them from time to time in Ankara. After it subsided I was able to sleep again.
A few days later I was again jarred out of sleep, this time by my heart beating rapidly and erratically. I turned on the light and looked at my watch; it was 11 pm. And it was nine days after my open-heart surgery. I took some medicine to try to stop the pounding, but it had no effect.
I prayed for the Lord to do something, but my heart just kept thrashing around in my chest. The Lord gave me the determination to get myself to the hospital, so about 1:30 am I got up and went to the bedroom to tell Barbara that I was going. She helped me to get dressed, called a taxi and with her help I made my way up the two flights of stairs to street level.
Although it was only the end of October, we were surprised to find it snowing heavily. Barbara went out to the road to see if the taxi was coming. I took a few steps towards the road and suddenly inexplicably found myself sitting in several inches of wet snow. I’d blacked out and sat down without realizing it!
I praised God that I hadn’t fallen forward or to the side where I would have hit my head on railings or the wall. I was able to pull myself up by holding onto the “burglar bars” of the window next to the walkway, and staggered out to the road just as the taxi arrived.
This snowstorm was so early and unexpected that the taxis did not yet have snow tires on, so it was a slippery ride down the hill. To get to the hospital faster, I had the driver turn down a one way street the wrong way as a shortcut. We met a police car coming from the other direction, but since it was now 2 am, they didn’t bother to stop us.
Barbara called Josh, who lived near the hospital, and he met me there. The doctor on duty immediately got me into a bed and began administering medication to slow down and stabilize my heartbeat. As it began to take effect, I began to sob.
“I don’t know why I’m crying,” I gasped to the doctor, “Everything is going fine!”
“Don’t worry, your emotional state is just a side effect of your heart racing!” he assured me.
It took several hours to get my heart stabilized before they transferred me to a room in the post-op recovery area. When I woke up later I wondered why my bed was so damp, and then realized I was still wearing the clothes that were wet from my falling in the snow!
The doctors kept me in the hospital for three days to make sure my heart was fully stabilized. During this time I was able to talk and pray with a number of other patients, some of whom were about to have open-heart surgery; others were having complications in their recovery. The Lord often has multiple reasons for allowing unexpected things to happen in our lives, placing us into situations to serve Him.
The rest of my recovery went well and within a few weeks I was able to take an active role again in church planting and team leadership.
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Shelter in a World of Worries

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”
Psalm 91:1
Praise be to you, O Lord, for your wonderful faithfulness—you never leave your children: you always protect, always guide and always encourage. I praise you that you have given your children a shelter that is both your Word and yourself—you who are the Most High, the Final Authority, the Almighty, the All Wise, All Knowing, All Loving God.
You, in your grace, wisdom and care, have provided us with this needed shelter in a twisted, dangerous and sin-filled world. Your commands, principles and examples show us how to live within your protection from sin, self and Satan. And you yourself spread your wings over us to keep us safe; under your feathers of grace we find protection.
Praise you for your invitation for us to come to your shelter and remain in your refuge. As we obey your Word, think Truth, listen to the Spirit and make prayer the foundation of all we do, we remain in your fortress. There we are protected from unnecessary mistakes and unneeded difficulties. We are spared the troubles of those who reject your shelter: the confusion of the wicked, the fall of the proud, the anguish of the stubborn, the foolishness of the rebels, the stumbling of the self-confident.
As your Word says, “The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever more brightly till the full light of day. But the path of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble” (Pro. 4:18,19).
You are our Refuge, calling us to your arms, to your lap, to your embrace. You are our Fortress, calling us to safety behind your walls of truth and power. You are our Deliverer, calling us to worship and obedience as our God, our final authority. You are the Righteous One who has the right to rule calling us to rich submission.
And you are the One who imputes your righteousness to us, protecting us from the wrath to come, sheltering us from the evil around us and in us.
You are thorough, you are wise, you are persistent: protecting us and providing for us even when we protest against your profound and perfect Word. You keep on working, bringing us to repentance, bringing us to your refuge, bringing us to transformation.
From within your protection, we will see the downfall of those who refuse your invitation, who decline to obey you. As we stay in your shelter, true harm, true evil (that which will damage us spiritually) will not come to us, for you, Lord God, will work out all that is needed for our safety: “If you say, ‘The LORD is my refuge,’ and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you…” (Ps. 91:9,10).
I exalt you today, O Eternal Lord of creation and God of graciousness, who rules forever in complete goodness, out of unending love and with deep wisdom. You are worthy of worship, praise, honor and obedience, Glory be to you!
Prayer: “Lord, help me to dwell in your shelter today, thinking truth, obeying what I know to be true, praising you in and for all. Amen.”
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Psalm 10:1-11

Today we will begin looking at a Psalm which is an example of “Lifting one’s soul to God.” Today’s part is the first step: describing the distress of the psalmist.
Psalm 10:1 “Why, O LORD, do you stand far off?
Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?”
[So it often seems that God is not there. Here the psalmist is lifting his soul to you, Lord, pouring out his thoughts, feelings and desires, wondering why you seem to be doing nothing about the suffering of the weak.
However, we know from your Word and our experience that you are actually at work behind the scenes, setting things up, preparing to act, working in deep and effective ways. The psalmist goes on in his complaint about the wicked:]
10:2,3 “In his arrogance the wicked man hunts down the weak, who are caught in the schemes he devises. He boasts of the cravings of his heart; he blesses the greedy and reviles the LORD.”
[Sounds like current events.]
10:4 “In his pride the wicked does not seek him;
in all his thoughts there is no room for God.”
[Brutal, selfish, proud, greedy and arrogant—the wicked man does not think of God at all. Instead he bulls his way through life taking, trampling on people, getting and having his own way–while God seemingly does nothing.]
10:5,6 “His ways are always prosperous;
he is haughty and your laws are far from him;
he sneers at all his enemies. He says to himself, ‘Nothing will shake me; I’ll always be happy and never have trouble.”
[So it seems to the psalmist. However, in all the wicked man’s seeming success and strength, he is deluded, caught in the web of Satan’s lies, while enjoying it—but only for a time, for you, O Lord, are prepared to act at the right moment, to bring him low, to bring justice.]
10:7-10 “His mouth is full of curses and lies and threats; trouble and evil are under his tongue.
He lies in wait near the villages; from ambush he murders the innocent, watching in secret for his victims.
He lies in wait like a lion in cover; he lies in wait to catch the helpless; he catches the helpless and drags them off in his net. His victims are crushed, they collapse; they fall under his strength.”
[As ever, the wicked prey on the weak, never on the strong. They are cowardly, brutal and utterly selfish. Their goal is power, domination, wealth, control and comfort—and they will find it temporarily.]
10:11 “He says to himself, ‘God has forgotten; he covers his face and never sees.’”
[This is the utmost in arrogance, claiming that the all-seeing Creator, the all-knowing Sustainer isn’t aware of what is happening! This man’s concept of God is fatally flawed, twisted, and much too small—he has made God in his own image—his world view is willfully devoid of truth. And he will pay for it.
May we, Lord, be exactly the opposite of such a person; may we live in the light of your presence, enjoying your majestic beauty, rejoicing in your transforming Truth, reveling in your healing Grace, submitting to your ever-flowing Love. May we carry goodness, mercy, kindness and grace to the weak and weary. May you thereby be glorified in our lives today.]
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Psalm 19:19-20

Psalm 9:19 “Arise, O LORD, let not man triumph;”
[Yes, Lord, prevent sinful man from overcoming your plans, your purposes and your people; bring the evil doers low, defeat them in their attempts to bring harm so that your name may be glorified.]
“let the nations be judged in your presence.”
[Let your judgment flow like rivers of waters. Praise you that you will judge the nations in righteousness and people with justice. “Vengeance is mine, I will repay,” says the Lord (Rom. 12:19).
We don’t have to carry the burden of making it all right. We are called not to be judges, but to be lights in our sphere of influence, to be waters flowing in a parched land, doing good, sharing the Word and trusting you to bring judgment to the nations.]
Psalm 9:20 “Strike them with terror, O LORD; let the nations know they are but men.”
[Yes, Lord, may terror overwhelm them because of your greatness, may fear seize them because of your righteousness, may anxiety grip them because of the judgment to come.
May many thereby be brought to belief in you and surrender to you by a supernatural fear descending on them: fear of judgment and condemnation, fear of the future, fear of death and what lies beyond it.
May they realize clearly that they have nothing else to trust in ,and turn to you—the sovereign Lord who offers them forgiveness, cleansing, adoption and eternal life–instead of trusting in their traditions which can give them nothing in the end.
Break through, Lord, bring a great awakening, sweep many in to your Kingdom!]
Selah (think on that)
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Psalm 9:17-18

Psalm 9:17 “The wicked return to the grave, all the nations that forget God.”
[Those who forget you, Lord, will be forgotten. You are the most important One in existence, the most significant Being in history, the most central Point of all the Universe.
How could we forget you–you who are the source of all good–and not be guilty of the fatal sin of unbelief (John 16:9)? You, O Lord, are worthy, not just of remembering, but of totally absorbing our attention, our affection, our adoration!]
Psalm 9:18 “But the needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted ever perish.”
[You, O Mighty and Loving Heavenly Father, remember and watch over the needy–and we are all needy–you see each one, you care for everyone. You are the God of goodness, giving constant comfort to those who are hurting, support to those who are suffering, help to those who are hopeless. “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Ps. 34:18).
I praise you that you are the God of hope, giving “joy and peace to those who trust in you so” our lives can “overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Rom. 15:13).
In you, Lord God, there is all we need and desire: there is belonging, there is worth, there is meaning, there is purpose, there is a certain and positive future because you are moving history to a definite conclusion and taking us, your children, with you.
Help us to keep our eyes on you, Lord Jesus, to let go of what is temporal, to hold on to what is eternal and to rise above the turmoil and tragedy of life in a fallen world. Help us to remember that we are destined for a re-created and perfect world, where there will be no sin, no rebellion, no evil, no destruction, no tragedy. In the meantime, in you, Lord Jesus, we are safe, secure and can be satisfied, no matter what our situation may be. You are like the first breath of Spring after a winter of suffering.
Help us, Heavenly Father, to live out today this truth of your good guidance, your powerful protection, your plenteous provision and your perfect plan, by offering the sacrifice of thanksgiving in every circumstance (Ps. 50:23). So that thereby we may honor you in faith and cooperate with you in obedience, being open to the help you will bring.]
 Image may contain: tree, plant, sky, grass, outdoor and nature

Psalm 91:1

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1
This verse expresses a powerful biblical worldview: that is, he who sees God as the Most High Authority will obey God rather than his own culture or the pressures of society or the people around him or his own desires.
He who has this worldview understands that our God is the Most High in Power, in Wisdom, in Knowledge, in Ability, in Grace and in Love. Therefore he chooses to dwell in the shelter the Most High God has given:
–the protection of Christ’s blood;
–the commands, guidance and principles of the Word;
–the direction of the Spirit in line with the Word;
–and the wise, godly input of mature believers.
When we choose to obey the Most High rather than the god of culture or comfort or convenience, we can rest in the shadow of the Almighty, trusting Him to protect us from what is truly harmful.
If we don’t dwell in His shelter, we wander off the path of His protection into the attractive fields of the world where Satan is free to attack us, like a bull in a pasture.
Our God is able to protect us because He is Almighty in power, there is no one greater than Him–He is undefeated and undefeatable. By His strong right arm He created all. By His strong righteous Son He provided redemption for all who will believe.
If we have such a biblical view of God, we can say,
–“The Lord is my refuge [from all that the flesh offers to give me and all the grief that comes my way in a sinful world],
–my fortress [from the attacks of the world, the flesh and the devil],
–my God [my highest authority, the One I love and obey],
–in Him will I trust. [rather than in my own cultural understanding;
–therefore I submit myself, my intellect and my day to His wisdom and Word, praising Him in and for all]” (Ps 91:2).
Prayer: “Lord help me to nurture a biblical worldview of who you are, so I will choose the Creator over the created, choose you over what your creatures have thought up, choose light over darkness. You, Lord God are the One who deserves my obedience, my praise, my worship. I exalt you, the great I AM, the Most High over all, the Beginner and Ender of time. To you be honor and glory throughout my day today. Amen.”
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