

Biblical Appeals

“Rescue me and deliver me in your righteousness….”
Psalm 72:1
As I work my way through the Psalms, using them for morning worship, the Spirit has brought to my attention a new emphasis: an appeal to God’s character as the basis for prayer. This has two aspects.
First is asking God to answer according to His qualities:
“…in your great love, O God, answer me in your sure salvation….Answer me, O Lord, out of the goodness of your love, in your great mercy, turn to me” (Ps. 69:13,16).
This means we can pray like this: “Lord, please answer me out of your love, out of your righteousness, out of your faithfulness, out of your wisdom, out of your goodness, out of your power, out of your grace.”
Such praying is in a strong way of submitting ourselves to His standards—His righteousness is much more exacting than my concept of what is righteous! His love may mean saying “no” to my present request in order to give me something better later. It is asking for His will to be done in a way that will reflect His character.
The second aspect has to do with appealing to God on the basis of what the answer to prayer will do for Him:
Help us, O Lord, for when you do, “then men will say, ‘Surely the righteous are rewarded; surely there is a God who judges the earth’” (Ps. 58:11).
“Not for our sake, GOD, no, not for our sake, but for your name’s sake, show your glory. Do it on account of your merciful love, do it on account of your faithful ways” (Ps. 115:1).
So we can pray, “Answer me for your Name’s sake, Lord, that men may know you are God, that men may know there is a God in the church.”
Praying this way certainly helps to refine our motives in asking for things: am I asking for my own comfort only, or is this really for God’s glory?
In asking God to act according to His character and for His glory, we are in no way “twisting God’s arm.” Instead we are focusing on the One who will decide how to answer in what is best, we are surrendering to His desire. This is joining Him in what He is doing. It is a step up in prayer.
Prayer: “Lord help me to pray in line with your Word, with your Will, in your Way. Guide me in incorporating these new insights into my prayer life. Answer me according to your wisdom, grace and goodness. Answer me so that those around me may see your glory. Amen.”
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Psalm 3:6

Psalm 3:6 “I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side.”
[For David this was a physical fact: Absalom came with a large army and all the advantage. But in this crisis David was thinking about you, Lord: the Majestic, Mighty, Powerful, Undefeated, Unconquerable, Eternal Lord of Hosts. You are strong beyond imagination, you command the armies of Heaven, you can end everything in an instant, you work to weave all into your plan. Therefore, David did not give in to fear.
Praise you that for us, too, in the battle that is more against spiritual forces than physical ones, you are there, giving us support and grace, your presence and your protection. These we experience every day: in the timing of things, in provision of needs and in protection from Satan—all the perfect working of your hand in our lives.
So, as we daily face the unseen but real forces of hell, who love evil, who have not one gram of goodness, who desire to destroy and are constantly at work to tear down all positives–we can rest in you.
As we cry out to you, you are at work, you have already defeated this enemy and are calling us to participate with you in the cleanup operation here on earth. We do this by keeping on your armor, fighting with praise, prayer and persistence in doing what we know to be right.
At the same time, on the level of what can be seen, the world now faces a growing horde of terrorists, eager to conquer and rule all the earth; in this, too, we need not fear, for You are moving history to a conclusion and taking us with you.
You are our Rock, our King, our Lord, our Ruler and we can trust in you no matter what storms come into our lives. Your plans are perfect, your presence is persistent, your protection is powerful. So, I praise you now for what you will do today in carrying us through the attacks, over the barriers and into your peace.]
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History as “His Story”

“Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.” Psalm 143:8
While in a difficult situation recently, someone asked me how I could be so cheerful. The answer is a Scripture-based phrase that I often use to give myself perspective: “God is moving history to a conclusion and is taking us with Him!” Whatever the present event, it is part of God’s plan to finish history and move us into eternity. He is in control; I can trust Him.
This perspective is found throughout Scripture. Colossians 3:2-4 expresses it well: “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” This gives us the wider, God-focused perspective.
“For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” We can leave behind our old culturally-based, performance-oriented, comfort-focused value system. Instead we can choose to rest in the security we have in Christ.
“When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” He WILL appear, and He WILL bring us with Him, and He WILL give us a place in His glory—we can focus on this long-term truth rather than our short-term accomplishments or failures!
This understanding gives us a wide and long view of what’s happening. This view can change our goal from being comfortable and safe, to joining God in what He’s doing, to embracing the adventures He’s prepared for us.
If, from a human perspective, my whole life collapses around me (illness, accident, loss, poverty, persecution, injustice, war), I can look at it within the bigger picture of God’s glory, greatness and grace, knowing that He is doing something significant through it; therefore, I can praise and trust Him in it. My favorite verse sums it up: “My soul finds rest in God alone” (Ps. 62:1).
This is a huge shift from “normal” human thinking. And we can cooperate with God in making this shift by internalizing Scripture, then putting it into practice in little every day events. Then disappointments, delays, little hurts and small losses all become opportunities to offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving (Ps. 50:23) and honor God.
In giving thanks, we affirm that God is good, that God is in control, that God is at work using each irritation to expose my sin, to transform me, to give me opportunity to be a light to those around me, to give Him glory before the unseen hosts. Truly, knowing Jesus is enough for joy, period! Let’s join Him today in living in this truth!
Prayer: “Lord Jesus, you are enough.  Even in difficulties you bring beauty, as in this picture. Help me to walk with you through this day in your power, giving you glory in each decision, trusting you rather than myself. Praise be to you for what you will do in me today. Amen.”
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Net Team Start Up
The following year, 2001, the political and social climate in the country seemed to be more open, so a proposal was made by one of our creative folks, Chuck, to set up a new team in Ankara to do more open evangelism. We were asked to head up this initiative.
Our goal was to throw out a net and draw in as many interested people as possible to pass onto to other church plants, so we named the team “The Net.”
We began by setting up an incorporated business in order to have a legal entity to work from. First I had to find a partner and the Lord graciously provided a fine fellow who was easy to work with.
Next, we each had to have $50,000 in a bank in the country. Several people loaned us small amounts to make up the needed total—demonstrating a lot of faith in us!
We went through a “broker,” who did the work of applying for us to set up the business, a process with multiple, complicated steps. This took about six months to accomplish.
Once the company was established, we began the work of opening a bookstore as a basis for outreach. Again this proved to be a complicated process, following steps that were exactly the opposite of what I would have expected.
The first step was logical. After the initial application to the city, we were required to rent a place so we would have an address.
One thing that made it difficult to find an adequate place was that we wanted to hold seminars and meetings in the bookstore on weekends. Many business buildings were not open on Sundays. In addition, we were up front with the owners about these being Christian meetings. That put up red flags for most landlords. They didn’t want any trouble!
We finally settled on a third floor apartment in an old, run-down building on the edge of downtown Ankara, making it easily accessible by bus and subway. Our budget was limited and this was what we could afford.
After renting the place, an inspector from the tax department came and told us we had to have it completely set up as a bookstore before they would approve it. And, he added, after going through all that work and expense, there was no guarantee that they would give us permission to go ahead with it!
Later I found out the reasoning behind this seemingly backwards regulation. People would apply for a certain business permit, then after receiving it, would open up a completely different business, one that would have had more difficult requirements to meet. So, whatever your application declared your business to be, it had to be set up completely before the permit could be issued.
There had been another Christian bookstore in in town, which closed down shortly before we opened; they generously gave us all their shelves and left over books. We set them up in the store and were thereby able to pass the inspection from the tax department with minimal expense. Another God sighting
Then another unforeseen obstacle came up. In order to be granted the final permit to actually open the store, we had to have a signature from the owner of every apartment in the building. Some owners were not in the city and one wasn’t even in the country. A few agreed, but three of them said they would sign only if they were the last ones to do so. All three couldn’t be last!
One of these was a retired woman lawyer who was mentally unstable; she also had the power of attorney to sign for several owners who were not in the city. Without her agreement we were at a stalemate.
We saw this as a problem but God saw it as an opportunity to display His power. Unfortunately, I failed to wait for Him and instead took another, easier route that was offered, like Abraham helping out God by having Ishmael.
When a local friend asked how things were going, I told him about the impasse. “I think I can help you,” he said. “I have a friend who might be able to tell you what to do.” He wrote a name and address on a slip of paper and handed it to me. “Go downtown and talk with her,” he urged.
I decided to accept this offer and went to the city hall to find this woman who might be able to help. This is a very common form of problem solving in the Turkish society: find someone with power who can break the “logjam” in a process and get things going again. It is called torpil, that is, acting like a torpedo.
The woman listened to my story, and asked one question. “Are there any other businesses in your building?” When I listed off the other ones, including a photocopy business, she said, “Okay, get me the number off of that shop’s permit.”
That was not hard to do, as by law such a permit must be hung on the wall of the shop. I went back, got the number and returned to the city hall, giving it to the woman.
She left the room and returned shortly with a file. “Look here,” she said, pointing to the permit, “this business is the same class as a bookstore, so I can make a photocopy of this, put your name on it and then you will have your permit.”
“Is that legal?” I asked. This did not sound right to me.
“Of course, of course. There’s no problem with this, we do it often.”
I still had misgivings, but allowed myself to be swayed by my desire to get the bookstore opened for sales. Considering all of our effort and expense, and the seeming impossibility of getting such a permit by normal means, I accepted her help. However, this decision to “go the local way” was to create a serious threat to us down the road.
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Glorious and Wonderful!

You are wonderful, Lord, and to be a beloved member of your family is beyond wonderful. It is more than any human being could imagine or wish:
to be loved without restraint;
to be delighted in, in spite of what I am;
to have instant access to your presence;
to be watched over and protected by the All-seeing, All-knowing, All-powerful, All-good One;
to have purpose and meaning, direction and guidance, fullness of life
and a glowing future!
These are privileges beyond what we could ever hope for on a human level!
In addition you promise to every believer the possibility of all Joy and Peace, and overflowing Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom 15:13)—this is what every human heart desires—and as followers of you, Lord Jesus, all we have to do to receive this is to trust you.
I bow before you now, I lift up your name, I proclaim your goodness, and rise up to obey the Worthy One, the Holy One, the Powerful One, the Good One.
Glory be to you in my life today, Lord Jesus, my great God and my gracious King.
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Whose Plan?

The major themes of the Scripture are, according to Paul David Tripp, the Glory of God, the Greatness of God and the Grace of God.
He goes on to say that personal ministry is “embedding people’s personal stories in the larger story of redemption, so they approach every situation and relationship with a ‘God’s story’ mentality.”
In God’s overall and personal plans, He calls us to a partnership with Himself, giving us significant roles and responsibilities. He prepares situations for us, then waits for us to obey His directions, given primarily in His Word. If we willingly choose to obey, our foot can still slip and suffer difficulty, but as we continue walking in obedience, we are lifted up again and again by His love and power.
Joseph in the Old Testament is an example of this. Without understanding all that was happening, he joined God in the diffculties that came to him. Then, later In his life he understood some of what God had been doing in allowing/sending all the suffering of his early years. He said to his brothers concerning their having sold him into slavery, “You meant it to me for evil, but God meant it for good, to the saving of many people” (Gen. 50:20).
Joseph was thinking about his having saved his extended family, all the Egyptians and people in surrounding countries from starvation. That was true. However, this it was only a part of what God was actually doing. Through Joseph, God preserved the line of Judah from whence came the Messiah.
So Joseph was one of the many people prepared by suffering, who played a part in God’s plan to bring about the eternal salvation He offers to all. God was doing something immeasurably huge when he sent Joseph to Egypt as a slave! [This insight is from a lecture by Fran Sciacca of Hands of Hur Ministries.]
So what is God doing in our lives with the difficulties He brings/allows for us? Are we, through worship, looking at God’s glory daily, and thereby getting glimpses of the great things He’s doing? Are we grasping that our disappointments, hurts and sufferings are all being used by Him in the big picture in significant ways we can’t understand, and therefore praising Him for these problems? Are we fitting our story into His?
As an application of this, a doctor comments that getting “over an illness should not be the primary goal” for a Christian. “What glorifies [God] is what is best for all believers; therefore what glorifies Him will be the best for the sick believer. Getting well is not necessarily the best thing…
“The hope for the believer is victory, not relief. Relief is not inherently wrong, but it becomes wrong when it is the primary goal [an idol]. God promises victory in illnesses and trials, not deliverance from them.” (Dr. Robert Smith, The Christian Counselor’s Medical Desk Reference [Stanley, NC: Timeless Texts, 2004]). The real goal is God’s glory!
Prayer: “Lord, I confess that my glory has been my goal, not yours. Forgive me for pursuing personal comfort as my goal and idol instead of your glory. Help me today to join you and live instead with the desire to bring you glory and honor through my motives, thoughts, words and actions. Help me to trust you to carry me along in your great plan to end history, eliminate evil and bring in the new Heaven and Earth. Amen.”
Picture: Indonesian believer, badly burned in a terrorist attack on her church, and lost two sons also. Now when she is asked what happened, she uses her scars as a means of sharing the gospel, joining God in His great plan.
Picture: Indonesian believer, badly burned in a terrorist attack on her church, and lost two sons also. Now when she is asked what happened, she uses her scars as a means of sharing the gospel, joining God in His great plan.
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Merry Christmas

Christmas is coming quickly, a time when we wish one another a “Merry Christmas”—and we have so many reasons for being merry, the main one being the great Love God poured out on us through Christmas.
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit all participated in this marvelous event. The Father planned it, the Spirit prepared the way, and Jesus carried it out.
Think of what great a sacrifice Jesus was willing to make, way before the cross. He was willing to leave Heaven, the place of purity, worship and beauty, and come to earth to live as a human being among flea-ridden, unwashed people who persisted in rebellion and unbelief.
In order to do this, He, who filled the whole universe, condensed Himself way down to live in a very small womb as a very small baby. It is always amazing to me to see the tinyness of a newborn babe–and Christ restricted Himself to that small body.
And how big is the universe? Just recently I read that the nearest galaxy to the Milky Way is 2,000,000 light years away from earth! And there are billions of other galaxies beyond that one!
Scientists tell us that the diameter of the known universe is at least 24 billion light years across! Jesus filled all of that before He brought Himself down to live in the tiny form of a human.
Following his triumphal return to life, it says in Ephesians 4:10 that “He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe.”
What a God of love, of goodness, of grace! What an event to celebrate as we move towards Christmas, remembering Christ’s sacrifice in entering the world of woe to open the way so we can live in His lavish love! Merry Christmas!
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Knowing Jesus

Worship, for me, always comes first in the morning, taking time to remember who God is: the Great and Triune One, worthy of praise and honor, exaltation and focus. It is in worship that we are sustained and strengthened, transformed and enlightened, giving us the perspective that Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy! Here’s a poem about this that came out of such a worship time, thinking on Psalms 62:1 and 73:25. May it encourage you as it did me.
Whom have I
in heaven but you?
And Earth has nothing
I desire besides You.
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Stars’ Creator
Day’s Designer
Life’s Sustainer
History’s Ender
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Creation’s Redeemer
Sinners’ Savior
Hearts’ Transformer
Mansions’ Maker
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Strong Shepherd
Living Bread
Church’s Head
Judge of all dead
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Day Giver
Need Provider
Spirit Refresher
Soul Purifier
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Heart Pursuer
Spirit Lifter
Soul Lover
Heaven Bringer
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Worthy of Praise
You Ancient of Days
Your name we raise
In endless praise.
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Whom have I
in heaven but you?
And Earth has nothing
I desire besides You.
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy, Period!
Prayer: “Lord, help me to live in the light of your glory and to volitionally choose to live in the truth that Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy. Amen.”
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Tripping along

On the road today, arriving home tonight. Here’s a prayer that my friend from Pakistan sent me and i pass it on to you.
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Jesus Curve

“One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple. “
Psalm 27:4
Life is a battle. Every day. Satan uses my own sin, that of others, events out of my control, sickness, difficulty, persecution and many other things to push me in the wrong direction. There is no end to it.
But I want to tell you that in the midst of this battle there is a great hope: life just gets better and better as we walk with Jesus.
Over the last three years there has been a pronounced upward trend in the trajectory of my life. I think I am experiencing a “J” curve; that is, a graph like the one below which for a long time shows just tiny incremental upward progress before there is rapid growth.
Over the years there has been slow progress in my life as God kept me consistent in quiet times, in memorizing and meditating on Scripture, in personal worship, praise, prayer and in persistent obedience. However, when this incremental progress of the J curve reaches a certain point, it turns a corner and begins to go up more quickly, then radically.
This seems to be what is happening in my life in every area: more growth, more patience, more positiveness, more grace, more joy. Barbara says I have definitely become easier to live with! This is more than just a “J curve,” it is a “Jesus Curve!”
I must hasten to add two things. First, this is of God, not me! I want to “boast in Him.” He is just fulfilling His promises of what He will do if we walk with Him (Psalm 1:1-3).
Second is that as the positives increase, so do the challenges. With more ability comes more responsibility. And with more grace comes more challenge.
One thing that has really stimulated this growth has been seeking to live the truth that “Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy, Period!” This flows from the truth that: “My soul finds rest in God alone” (Ps. 62:1) —you’ve heard that one a few times before, haven’t you? Repetition of powerful truth is a good thing!
Applying this verse has rooted out a lot of idols, has helped me to “let go” of the temporal, “hold on” to the eternal “and rise above” the everyday hassles as well as bigger challenges.
Today my reading was in Psalm 52 where verses 8 and 9 restate what happens as we faithfully walk with God through the years:
“But I am like an olive tree
flourishing in the house of God;
I trust in God’s unfailing love
forever and ever.
Prayer: “Lord, help me to be faithful in cultivating my relationship with you: daily reading in your Word, daily worshiping you, daily confessing and moving ahead by prayer. Move me along on my Jesus Curve at the right speed and keep my eyes on you, seeking not growth, but you. Amen.”
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