

Valentine's Day

Praise be to you, O Triune God, the great Lover of the universe and beyond. Your love flows without beginning and without end down through the ages. From before the foundation of the world you planned the greatest act of love that will ever exist: the Holy One, Jesus, becoming sin and being crushed under the just wrath of the Father so that mercy might triumph over justice. And you did this, not for your friends or family, but for your bitter, destructive, dangerous enemies! What a wonderful and powerful love is yours.
In the light of this Love, we can today love those around us, passing on the grace you have given. Help us to do that especially today. Praise and glory be to your Name, in your honor, for your worship.

Stability in Jesus

Lord God, I praise you for your majestic and glorious character. You are full of wisdom and understanding. You never panic, never worry, never are restless or fearful.

You are perfect, meaning you are always, gloriously the same: stable, faithful, unwavering, immutable, without error, failure or misstep. You are absolutely trustable. In your perfection you are perfectly good, completely loving, totally gracious, fully righteous and unceasingly wise. You can never get better and will never be less.

In you lies the stability I need in this warped world where my inner and outer situation is constantly fluctuating: unexpected events flood my day, triggering emotional highs and lows that swing me back and forth. But you are my stability, my rock, my fortress, my stronghold. My soul finds rest in you alone.

Prayer of Surrender

“Lord Jesus, today things will come which I won’t like. Help me to greet them with praise and thanksgiving, to lay down my understanding of things and to embrace the truth of your love and power being at work in the situation, remembering that you have a plan. Amen.”

Our Monumental Lord

You, O Triune God, are the Great One, living far above the tiny collection of atoms we call home.  As Isaiah wrote: “Surely the nations are like a drop in a bucket, they are regarded as dust on the scales” (Isa. 40:15). The billions of people on earth, to us a mighty throng, are to you a miniscule, insignificant speck: one drop, hardly noticeable. You are so much greater than all the people who have ever lived and you are involved in much bigger things, like the birth and death of stars, yet you love and care for each insignificant, tiny person.

“[He] weighs the islands as though they were fine dust.” All the islands of the world are miniscule before you, Lord, easily blown away by a breath. You, in contrast, are massive, monumental, majestic, immovable and mighty. You are eternal and everlasting, the opposite of the temporary, tiny and tentative islands of the earth.

You are amazing, marvelous, majestic and mighty. To you belongs all glory and exaltation.

–From the book EDIFIED: 365 devotions to stimulate personal worship and spark inner transformation

Green Pastures

Praise in and for all things is really the act of surrendering to the Lord at that moment and in that situation. In addition, it is resisting the devil and his suggestion that “this situation is just awful! Poor me!”
Psalm 23 says, “The Lord is my shepherd.” That means He is watching over me all the time, with great care and attention, holding at a distance what is truly bad.
He “makes me lie down in green pastures.” That is, He finds for me the situations which are profitable for growth and brings me there. He doesn’t ask if I like it, nor does He ask my opinion. He makes me lie down there until I’ve learned what is needed. In this I can cooperate with Him by praising Him for what He is doing whether I like it or not.
–From the book EDIFIED!
available from www.edifyingservices.com

All Hail King Jesus

Praise be to you, Lord God Almighty, Commander of the hosts of Heaven. To you we give glory and honor and praise, for you, King Jesus, Mighty Father, Holy Spirit, are the most High, the most Wise, the most Powerful, the most Good and the most Holy One. You are without beginning, without end, without change, without lack, without evil, sin or darkness. You are all that is good, all that is right, all that is positive. You are perfect, you are present, you are powerful, therefore we bow before you in worship and rise up in obedience to bring you honor, praise and exaltation today.

–From the book EDIFIED!
available from www.edifyingservices.com

Praise is a Privilege

Praise is a great privilege, and a great responsibility. Praise for and in all things is expressing faith in a God who controls everything for our good and His glory. Praise is certainly the gateway to surrender and freedom in Christ.  Such praise comes by the working of the Holy Spirit through the Word and flows out as we obey what we know to be true.

James 4:7-10 has taken on a new depth for us as we see the importance of praise: “Submit yourselves, then, to God [by praise]. Resist the devil [by praise], and he will flee from you. Come near to God [by praise] and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded [repent of complaining and griping while we claim to trust God]. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom [treat grumbling and complaining as the serious sins they are and repent in sadness]. Humble yourselves before the Lord [by praising in faith], and he will lift you up.”

He sets us free

“You, Jesus, have given us light from your Wisdom, conviction and guidance from your Spirit, transformation and insight through your Word and worship. In you is life, in you is Light, in you is Love and in you I am free and fulfilled, forever.
“Lord Jesus, to know you is such a wonder, to give you worship is such a privilege, to love you is such an honor. You are the Creator, you are the Guide, the Protector, the Beginner and Ender of all. We can trust you fully. To you alone belongs worship and power, glory and exaltation.”

–from EDIFIED! 365 devotionals to stimulate personal worship and spark inner transformation.

Quote from the book EDIFIED! 365 devotionals to stimulate personal worship and spark inner transformation.

“The Mighty One, God, the Lord, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets.” Psalm 50:1

“You are the Mighty One who spoke the universe into existence, who knows the name of every star, who holds together the nucleus of every atom. Your might is without margin, your strength is without stricture and your power is without perimeter. There is no good that you cannot do, there is no evil you cannot overcome, there is no plan that can stand against you. You are mighty in virtue, powerful in wisdom, strong in love and vigorous in justice. To you belongs all honor and worship!”

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