Last night in the Christmas eve service the Lord brought to mind what a contrast he experienced in leaving Heaven to come and live on the earth as a human being.
You, Lord, came from Heaven
which is filled with pure and positive light,
It is the land of eternal joy and perfect relationships.
Colors are sharper, deeper, more glorious than on earth.
Food has ultimate deliciousness, never burned or bad.
The weather is always pleasant and perfect
There is no lack of what is good and a total lack of what is bad.
While you were in heaven, Lord Jesus,
You were continually worshiped,
given the honor and glory you deserve
You filled the universe, not being limited to a body.
You ruled with power and authority
and were given full obedience.
Then, you came to earth as a babe
Descending into the churning darkness,
the evil and cruelty of the world
Ruled by the father of lies.
A world warped and twisted by sin
Filled with demons and desperate sinners
Plagued by storms, earthquakes, floods and famines
A world where the repulsive reigned, where there was
You came to a place where there were
Fleas and lice
Unwashed bodies
The stench of waste
Scarcity of water, food and love
Great Heat and cold, darkness and fear
And You came in weakness
In utter vulnerability
A helpless babe
Entrusting yourself to inexperienced, young parents
Enduring danger, difficulty, temptation and betrayal.
All the while knowing the pain was coming in your future
Lord Jesus, you left all in Heaven
You entered all the negatives of the world
Because from the foundation of the world
You loved us,
your bitter, rebellious, selfish unbelieving enemies
Unbelievable, too good to be true,
but absolutely, eternally, powerfully true
Praise you for your great Love Lord Jesus
For abandoning all to save your enemies.
We choose now to humbly give you the honor you deserve.