Did you ever wonder how effective your long term prayers are? Does God hear when we ask for miracles, seeing many come to Christ?
As our pastor said this morning, “How will they believe unless they hear?” And there are more ways to hear than one.
One way to hear is to see how bad things are without Christ, a yearning for something better.
Another complementary way is to have a dream. Not many Americans have such an experience, but in the rest of the world where people pay attention to dreams.
“Here is some good news: answers to prayer, a demonstration of God using what is terrible for good, and giving people the input they need. Our God is wise!
A recent report from Gaza: More than 200 Muslim men in Gaza have embraced salvation after reportedly seeing Jesus in their dreams, said Christian professor Michael Licona, who got reports directly from those working in Gaza.
The report says, “God is working in the midst of war! Over the past two days, we have ministered to hundreds of fathers who have lost most, if not all, of their children in the war. As we moved these men to safety, we fed them, washed their clothes, and began to read the Bible to them — sharing the way of peace through Jesus. Then, a big miracle happened. Last night, Jesus appeared to more than 200 of them in their dreams! They have come back to us to learn more from God’s Word and are asking how to follow Jesus.”
Let’s keep praying and sharing.