Elohim and Yahweh

Elohim and Yahweh

Know that the LORD is God.” Psalm 100:3a

This verse above is a command. We are to willfully accept this truth, to grasp it and internalize it.  This calls for bowing our intellect to Scripture, for we can only know God through revelation.

Praise be to you, Lord God, for giving this information to your tiny creatures, limited by this natural world, unable on our own to see the supernatural. There are hints, but we guess wrongly without your specific revelation.

We praise you for your great love that makes your person knowable. You have revealed yourself as Lord, Yahweh, the holy One, great and glorious, powerful and pure, the righteous Judge and Hater of sin. You are God, Elohim, the powerful and faithful One, showing your power in creation and your faithfulness in fulfilling your promise to provide salvation.

What a God! what a Lord! You are without fault, without lack, without sin, totally sufficient in your triune self, complete in full-orbed wisdom, complete in everlasting love. Help us to  consistently  seek shelter in your mighty power, your perfect love and your rich wisdom. amen.

May be an image of lake, twilight, horizon, fog, grass and tree