

Yesterday the Lord gave us two wonderful gifts. First my sister, Andrea, and her husband, Jerry, came by from Pennsylvania to visit us. Their brief time with us was very supportive and helpful, both emotionally and practically. Just before they came, the bathroom door broke and with Jerry’s help I was able to replace it immediately. Their coming was just what I needed, and gave Barbara some pleasure as we all played a game from her childhood.
Second was help with Barbara’s situation. She has been descending into confusion and memory loss (couldn’t remember how to wash up or do her hair or get dressed or cook), but this was not related to sodium loss as it had been before (her sodium levels, as tested on Friday, are fine).
So yesterday we decided to skip taking her antidepressant for a day (at a pharmacist’s suggestion), and by the late afternoon she was much better, almost normal! We hope this is the answer to why she’s had these distressing difficulties added to her depression itself.
Please pray with us for wisdom and God’s help as we continue on this dark and challenging journey. God has a plan, and He will work it out, so I choose to find my rest in Him. He only is our stability.