Steady, Sure, Secure

Steady, Sure, Secure

“…I am poor and needy; come quickly to me, O God. You are my help and my deliverer; O LORD, do not delay.” Psalm 70:5
Praise you, Lord for your steady presence. As I think on you and your unswerving faithfulness to your Character of love and purity, goodness and forgiveness, faithfulness and grace, I find answering echoes in my own being—a rest in you, a growing trust, a desire to obey you, a lessening of the pendulum swing of my emotions. In you is safety, in you is security, in you is peace.
When I make a mistake, when I sin, you don’t jump on me or condemn me or reject me. You put the arm of your Spirit around me, draw me to yourself, tell me of your love, and graciously talk with me about what I have done wrong. You lead me into confession and repentance, reminding me of your purchasing pardon, assuring me of your faithful forgiveness, encouraging me to make right choices from here on. You are a gracious Father, a forgiving Lord, a loving Brother. In my relationship with you I am safe.
I praise you for your Spirit’s work of conviction, guidance, teaching and revelation. He shows us what we could never discover with our meager minds, our tiny thoughts, our rebellious research.
Praise you for your positive provision and your continuous care, your fine heart and your gracious intent. With you we have life, with you we have peace, with you we have hope, with you we can choose for joy. These we find nowhere else.
Thank you that you draw me on in this relationship with you, encouraging me to spend time with you, to think your Word, to see as you see. I praise you for your great patience with me, correcting me over and over again, teaching me over and over again, slowly moving me upward on the steps of life while willingly enduring the pain I cause you in my wrong choices.
You are the well-spring of all good; without you life is a desert: dry, hostile, threatening, dangerous and in the end, deadly. With you, life even in the desert of this world is lush, green, growing, refreshing, secure and joyful. You help us get our roots down deep into the water of your Word, you make us fruitful, you keep our life leaves green, you protect us in the midst of danger and make us successful in service to you.
You, O Lord God, are worthy of worship, of following, of obeying, for great is your heart, pure is your mind, eternal is your being, good is your intent.
Prayer: “I love you, Lord Jesus, I praise you, I bow before you, honor you, give you my life, my day, my all. Help me to live worthy of the
privilege of being your child. Amen.”