I praise you, Heavenly Father, for your very personal, present and powerful working in the framework of my day and all its details. Yesterday was very full and busy, with you working it all out, right down to the minute in getting each thing done in time.
It’s so good to know you, Lord Jesus, the God of love and light, of goodness and grace, of forgiveness and favor, of joy and justice, of righteousness and release.
I revel in the truth that you have a plan and a purpose for me and each of your children in this day–and the power to bring them to pass.
I praise you for your rich, active and consistent love, laced with patience, spiced with wisdom and empowered with grace.
To you belongs surrender in worship, honor in thought, obedience in action, and exaltation in word. May these all flow from my life to you today so those around me may taste of your goodness.
May they be refreshed by the fragrance of the Holy Spirit spilling over onto them as I respond to your guidance, resting in your goodness and offering the sacrifice of thanksgiving in each situation.