Great is the Lord!

Great is the Lord!

“Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.”
Psalm 145:3
Yes, praise be to you, Lord God, the Triune One, Breather of the stars, Lighter of the sun, Spinner of the earth, Bringer of the dawn. We glorify your name, for you are the Holy One, sparkling in purity, shining truth into our lives, spreading light with every act.
We exalt you, the totally good One, pouring grace upon your creation, watering the garden of our souls with your love, planting seeds of good desire in our hearts.
You, Lord God, are the Most High: the Wise Creator, the Mighty and Kind King, the Successful Savior, the Righteous Redeemer, the Faithful Father, the Perfect Planner, the Powerful Protector, the Beginner and Ender of time.
Therefore, it is right to submit to you in joy, it is right to rise up in obedience, it is right to live in the light of your presence, it is right to exalt you in all we do. Yes, praise belongs to you forever and ever!
Prayer: “May I walk in the light of your presence through this day, Lord, aware of your mighty grace, your powerful wisdom, your majestic goodness. May I give you praise in each event, whether it be pleasant or painful, for you are always worthy .
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