Psalm 18:32 “It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.”
[It is not my wisdom or effort, my talent or training nor my resources that bring effectiveness. It is you alone, Lord God, who prepares all. You are the Mighty and Wise One who pours strength into my life, who goes before and prepares the way in relationships and opportunities–and in me–making a way perfect.
Help me to run with endurance and patience the race that you have set out for me this day, looking consistently to Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith (Hebrews 12:1-2).
Every day there are uncertainties before me, all of which I could worry about. But as I reject worry and actively trust in you by praising you for your help before any appears, as I think the truth of who you are, of how you have laid out a perfect path for me to follow, and as I find my rest in you (Ps. 62:5), I will fulfill the purpose you have gifted me in life: to give you glory and honor before all.
You, out of your eternal riches, have prepared more than I need of strength and grace, of power and wisdom, of protection and provision, and of guidance and goodness (2 Pet. 1:3-4). You are constantly pouring them into my life whether I see them or not, sense them or not– and I will praise you for your goodness and graciousness now before I see them manifest in this day! To you be honor for your grace and goodness.]