I may fail, but you are there

I may fail, but you are there

Praise you, Lord, for a new day, another chance to live with you. In the night my uncertainty, worry and fears surface and I often feel far from you.  But this is an opportunity to touch the Rock and remember how safe I am in you: you know what you are doing; you have a plan; you are moving us forward; stability does not depend on my performance but on your character—which is immutable, mature, holy, perfect and eternal. You will take me to the next step; you will guide me in all that is to be done today. I can rest in you, trust in you, rejoice in you.

I may fail (and will every day), but you are always there to fill in the lacks, to pick me up, to give guidance, to encourage and to love. I can relax in you, listen to your voice and move ahead in Truth. How wonderful it is to be your child, to wait in you, to rejoice in you. I give you honor, praise, glory and exaltation. May you be honored and glorified in my life today.