Psalm 37:18 “The days of the blameless are known to the LORD,”
[My times are in your hands, Lord; you determine the number of my days and all the happenings in them. You, who live outside time, know completely how long I will live and all that will happen during my lifetime.
You, Lord, watch over your children who are blameless only because their sins are forgiven in Christ. Praise you for you mighty and wise protection. Today I read in an article that those who believe in God and practice their faith live longer (average of 7 years more) and are more healthy than those who do not. Interesting confirmation of your Word.]
“and their inheritance will endure forever.”
[You have made us heirs, Lord, heirs of the riches of your Kingdom, all of which are eternal. “In his great mercy [the Father] has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. “This inheritance is kept in heaven for you…” (1 Pet. 1:3,4).
The first treasure in our inheritance is our relationship with you, the wonder of knowing you in spite of our depraved and sinful nature. I thank you with all my heart, that you are the Great Lover of all your creatures whether they are good or evil.
I praise you for your other gifts to us: eternal life, the indwelling Spirit, the written Word, the wisdom, grace and guidance, the protection, provision and power that are ours in you. And in the life to come, untold riches will be poured upon your children so that we might bring more glory to you. I praise you now, Lord, for all that you have already given us, and for all that will come in eternity.]