“This is what the LORD, the God of the Hebrews, says: ‘Let my people go, so that they may worship me.’”
Exodus 9:1
We often think of music being the main aspect of worship, but actually everything we do can be worship: when we do what is pleasing to Him, we give Him glory. That is worship.
In spoken worship there are two main aspects: thanksgiving and praise. Thanksgiving focuses on what He has done for us, and praise on who He is in His character.
I suggested that my students in my prayer class write their thoughts of worship in their journals. Here are some thoughts from mine, both praise and thanksgiving.
“Praise you, Lord God, Creator of heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them. Truly you are high and powerful, majestic and loving. I praise you, O God, for your great and rich love, for your wide and deep wisdom and your positive and pure power.
You are able to bring together those aspects which are opposites and seem to contradict each other: unity and diversity, truth and love, justice and mercy, righteousness and forgiveness. Praise you, Lord God, that you have revealed this to us in your Word.
Thank you that you have given us the tremendous privilege of being your children, bringing us from being your enemies ensnared by sin and transforming us into your sons and daughters clothed in righteousness.
To know you is a stupendous privilege beyond understanding and comprehension, priceless and pristine; we are overwhelmed by this high and undeserved grace.
“Thank you for the future ahead—nothing guaranteed except your love, for all is in your hands, not our plans–but all is in your heart of goodness, shown in your doing what is best and loving for us, although it may be hard. Truly, God, to live with you is a never-ending opportunity for growth and deepening.”
Prayer: “Lord God, help me to praise you in my quiet time, to praise you throughout the day and on into the night. May praise be the keynote of my life, for you are worthy. Amen.”