Isaiah 51:12

Isaiah 51:12

“I, even I, am he who comforts you.” Isaiah 51:12
Praise you, my Heavenly Father, the King of Glory, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, the Guide and Lover of my soul.
You are wonderful in your words of comfort: “Who are you that you fear mortal men, the sons of men, who are but grass, that you forget the LORD your Maker, who stretched out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth…’” (Isa. 51:12-13).
You are the Mighty One who made the measureless heavens, stretching them out light year after light year, in length and breadth, height and depth. You filled them with stars and galaxies, light and dust, space and nebulae. Your love of beauty, your enjoyment of variety, your penchant for order and the vastness of your power are all on display there.
You number the stars and call them each by name. The scope of your power is overwhelming:
–the power of planning to lay it all out;
–the power of creativity to make them out of nothing;
–the power of greatness to create stars so gigantic;
–the power of memory to know each one by name;
–the power of faithfulness to keep each in its place.
You, Lord God, are marvelously, amazingly powerful.
Then on a much tinier scale, in a little place tucked under one arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, you laid the foundations of the earth. You made the molten core, you clothed it in its mantle of minerals and metals, then you laid over it the garment of water and crowned it with a transparent atmosphere.
You placed it in just the right spot, provided it with a sun, a moon and sister planets, gave it just the right tilt, orbit and speed of rotation. Then through the millennia you have sustained each of those so that your creatures are able to live on it.
You, Lord God are marvelous in your creativity and wisdom, might and imagination. And this means you also use these in my life, doing things far beyond my imagination. So I can trust you when I can’t see how things are going to work out. If you can manage the universe, you certainly can manage my life! This truth comforts me.
May be an image of flower and nature